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Posts posted by fritzgreen

  1. The conditional test in the isConfigWritable() method that checks the config file permissions in 3.0.4 uses is_writable(), which only checks whether PHP can write to the file or not. I don't know if the method has been rewritten in some recent update, but it would probably need to be modified to use fileperms() and specifically test for 644 if that's what the intent is. When the perms are set to 444, even the admin user cannot make changes to the configurations in the admin interface without first resetting the perms.


    It should be noted that this official thread indicates that a secure installation's config file should be 444:


  2. I am on my second attempt to properly install 3.0.4 today, May 13, 2014.


    None of the screens in the installation process presented any instructions for changing any directory permissions, as described in the online installation instructions (http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/installation/), quoted here:


    In one of the first screens to be displayed, you will be instructed to modify the ‘permissions’ of several of the folders that were created in step 3 above. Each folder you will need to modify will be clearly indicated. The permissions needed are ’777?. Do NOT set all of the folders and files to these permissions, just the few files and folders indicated on the screen.


    It appears that several users have encountered the same or similar issues, which have not been fully addressed, in this thread:




    Also in that thread, Chinnu G lists the permissions that should be set (quoted below). I'm assuming that changing the permissions on the conf file to 644 should take place after the installation process is complete, since that file does not exist prior to the installation. Indeed, since my first installation process did not involve resetting any permissions, that file was not even created in the var directory, since var didn't have 777 permissions. I am preparing to attempt a second installation now.


    Are the missing install process permissions reset instructions, mentioned in the online installation documentation, a bug or intentional? Are they missing for everybody? Obviously, this was confusing and led to a bad initial installation in my case.


     Permission should be  777 for





    Change 777 to 644 (read only) to secure your Installation




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