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Amri Hidayatulloh

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Posts posted by Amri Hidayatulloh

  1. Hi, im new at revive ad server, currently im using version 4.1.1 and 5. So far i know that revive statistics is following this flow: deliveries are logged on table bkt_% and maintenance move it to data_intermediate_ad and finally distributed to data_summary_%. So there is a case i want to clear and backup finished/completed campaign's banner log on data_intemediate_ad because im not see any use for it after data is distributed to data_summary_% and campaign is no longer running. My question is, is it okay that i do so ? yes im aware that impressions/clicks/conversions remaining will be reset on campaign dashboard. Beside that, is there any side effect that might/will occur ? and whats gonna happen when i manually change campaign status from finished/completed to active without previous data_intemediate_ad ? Thank you 

  2. Hi, i am new on revive ad server. My company requires me to deep learn this application for our own advancement. Long story short, i was studying MSE (Maintenance Statistic Engine), one of its task is Managing Campaign, on which it checks campaign for its expiration. One that bugs me is this task mark campaign as Running while target impressions, clicks or conversions is less or equal to zero. It means campaign is still running if i set target as 0 on dashboard. i am assuming campaign is no longer delivers banner if there is no target impression or target impression is zero, but thats not what happens. I understand to distinguish for unlimited target, revive will set target as -1 on database. But i am still confused by the logic if target <= 0 then campaign is running. Can anyone give me insight or explanation of this. I know i miss something, but still cant find what is it. Thank you 

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