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Posts posted by edisjasarevic

  1. Hi,

    after I resolve problem with statistics that was not working, I am receiving now information about statistics of campaigns. BUT, when I click to export statistics to Excel file, I see error:

    No webpage was found for the web address:my_URL_toRevive_folder/www/admin/stats.php?&plugin=advertiser:statshistory


    I checked, and I can see that stats.php is there, so it should not be "Not Found"


    Anybody encountered this?

  2. happened to me. In my case it was because RV.php

    Statistics doesnt work, so you have to change one line giving full path to PEAR.php, not just /lib/pear/PEAR.php

    After I did this, statistics is working and I am not receiving message about maintance not runing

    require_once '/COMPLETEPATHTODRECTORY/lib/pear/PEAR.php';
  3. Hi, 

    first of all, thanks for providing Revive as a open source. I was using OpenX for a long time, and there is one thing I had in OpenX and also now in Revive.


    There is some kind of cache in administration? Serving cached files in administration, and I can not find any setting that will allow me to disable it. Normaly, cache is ok, but in administration few problems occurs:

    -When I log in, after I open one or two urls inside admin, it is showing me log in page again. But if I hit refresh, there is no need to log in again cause I am already logged in. Just a cache.

    -Log in is not major problem for me. Biggest problem is when I am adding new banner. Boy, that was hell in OpenX, I see it is a little better in revival but still it is caching pages. So when I click for example to add new banner, all forms clears, and there is no sign that anything happened. And in some cases nothing happened in fact, so I need to go again and again, and several attempts later I see green message on top that something changed. Same thing go also for adding clients, zones, campaigns.. Everything.


    I will be extremly happy if someone show me the way to prevent showing cached pages in admin, because what ever I want to do, I need to do it several times.



    Also, is there a list of CHMOD for files and folders. Which one should I leave on  777 after instalation?

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