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Posts posted by rodenn

  1. Hello,


    I enabled request logging in Revive Ad Server configuration (checked "Log a request every time a banner is requested"). I need to compare requests count with impressions count.

    Where I can see these logged requests? Can I filters requests per zone, or requests per banner?



  2. Hello,

    Is there a way to make single page call for several targeted banners?

    For example I can make request to www/delivery/spc.php?zones=1|2|3|4|5 and it will return code for these five zones in JS array.

    Now I need to do the same but for zones with targeted variables. For example if my zone is targeted to variable testVar with value testVal.

    For single zone I can do following request: www/delivery/spc.php?zone=1&testVar=testVal and it will return banner's code if and only if value of variable matches the value set in Revive Ad Server. As far as we have a lot of zones for each page it is not the best way to do single request per zone. Is it possible to make one request that fetches all zones that I need but with different variables for each zone? Or the same variables but different values?


  3. Yes, I have enabled and configured MaxMind GeoIP plugin properly, but it works in some random way. For example in one browser it shows correct banners and on another browser on the same machine - incorrect.

    Also I tried to reinstall MaxMind GeoIP plugin, but it didn't help.

    debug.log doesn't show any errors.

  4. Hello,

    I have an issue with geotargeting. I use the latest version of Revive Ad Server (3.0.3) and MaxMind GeoIP plugin.

    Actually there are two issues with geo targeting:

    1. In configuration -> Geotargeting Settings I selected MaxMind (Flat file) and checked "Show geotargeting delivery limitations even if GeoIP data unavailable". Without checking that checkbox I cannot select any Geo-* options from delivery limitation checkbox for banners.

    2. After adding geotargeting to any banner they are not loading at all. The zones are empty.

    Do I need to add any specific configuration? All other things seem to be working fine.


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