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Posts posted by meetbushe

  1. Alright, thanks for the pointers. This is what i did below for the 728x90 banner, but it is still not working: I created a Delivery Rules that says; 

    Only display this banner when: Client - Useragent:   Regex Does not match:   'Android' + 'Chrome/[.0-9]* Mobile'

    I also tried: ORUser Agent: Does not contain: Android, .....also tried:   ORRegex does not match: Android.*


  2. On 8/21/2017 at 4:02 AM, andrewatfornax said:

    Hi @Sperber,

    "you perform detection of the required banner size, and then call the appropriate zone to load the required initial size required. After that, if the banner wants to resize, based on changes to the screen size, that would be up to the banner to perform."

    Can you please advise on how exactly to do this? Or atleast share a link to the discussion...

  3. I have been going through dozens of discussions on this subject, in 2018 none of the existing solutions seem to work on revive adserver v4.1.4. The question is: How can we get a wide/ larger leaderboard banner (728x90 to display properly on a smaller size mobile device. Or at least have it be swapped out/ or replaced by a smaller mobile friendly banner (e.g. 480x90) on the same zone by the same campaign.

    Simply put, I imagine a situation where during the creation of a new banner: I upload a standard 728x90 banner, plus a smaller480x90 banner for mobile at the same time. I imagine the larger banner being displayed if loaded on a PC/ laptop screen, and I imagine the smaller version of the very same banner ad being displayed tif page loaded on a mobile device.

    In other words Like this: IF (LAPTOP SCREEN) LOAD BigBanner; ELSE IF (MOBILE SCREEN) LOAD SmallBanner;

     How can i achieve this on Revive Adserver 4.1.4? I hope my question is very easy to understand.

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