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Posts posted by EHB

  1. Excuse me for editing my last post. In case you didn't read the editing, please note:


    I mean, we don't need the ads.txt in the adserver, but we need the file in our websites where we publish the adserver banners, so we need the user id to include Revive Adserver with the rest of ad suppliers.


    In other words, we have to put Revive adserver id in the ads.txt with Google Adsense, OpenX and other adservers or ad sellers. But I can't find my company user id account.

  2. Thanks a lot, Ian!

    I thougth that, as we upload our own banners in Revive Adserver and serve them in our website, Revive becomes a kind of third party.

    I mean, we don't need the ads.txt in the adserver, but we need the file in our websites where we publish the adserver banners, so we need the user id to include Revive Adserver with the rest of ad suppliers.

  3. Hi, I guess you know Ads.txt is getting important these days to increase transparency in online advertising (https://iabtechlab.com/ads-txt/)

    I need to know how to obtain my Revive Adserver ID in order to add it to the ads.txt (for example, for Google Adsense, the code is google.com, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0; for openx should be something like: openx.com, 123456789).

    Maybe the Revive ID is the 32 characters code appearing in each invocation tag:

    <ins data-revive-zoneid="XXX" data-revive-id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"></ins>


    Any help would be appreciated.

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