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Posts posted by savith

  1. Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the response!

    I didnt get your question. Let me explain a bit more on what we need to put into the ad.

    Couple of images,a button, textbox etc., something like an opt-in kind of thing. you can say. Does that help?

    I dont know how we would be able to deliver it as  a banner though...as for my understanding, we point to our custom adtype for those requests that come in through those zones.



  2. Hi guys,

    I am new to Revive Adserver and I have a challenge to be handled.

    The ad format, that we use consists of a set of a files, that will be packaged and are supposed to be pushed to the publisher div, which is mapped as invocation zone. Can you guys let know how can I configure Revive Adserver to push that package instead of typical image etc., that are being pushed to the div?



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