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Posts posted by gumdrop

  1. EDIT: As clarification, I am running Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS.


    Hello everyone!
    New to the forum.

    I have been digging around the code to find a solution to this problem:


    looking on Github link, I see the message is originally displayed based on the following condition: $extensionLoaded


    If we follow the use of this variable, it leads us to the file linked below, specifically where the following variable is declared: $gdAvailable


    Inspecting the following leads me to believe that GD installation is being detected via the following line:
    $gdAvailable = extension_loaded('gd');

    I performed an echo test with the following snippet:
    echo extension_loaded('gd');

    As expected, the result output is a simple: "1".


    Having installed GD via the command line below, shows me that I have everything I need:

    sudo apt-get install php5-gd


    I have validated in many ways that I do indeed have GD functioning properly.
    Example output for command: $ php -i | grep -i --color gd
    GD Support => enabled
    GD Version => 2.1.1-dev
    gd.jpeg_ignore_warning => 0 => 0


    Any thoughts?

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