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Posts posted by OMG

  1. Hello, 

    we use Revive for serving our ads. Recently we switched to the "asynchronous JS-Tag" to improve page speed.
    After that it introduced a problem. Some of our Ads use "document.write" to display their content on the page.

    The Ads which use "document.write" throw now the following error: "Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened."

    I understand that these Ads can't write their data in async mode but what is the solution or workaround? Any ideas?

  2. Hello Revive-Community,

    I have an issue with my revive installation. I cant save any forms. 

    The Revive installation is working on the following URL:  www.domain.de/openx/

    My webpaths are set like this:


    Almost everything is working except saving the data (banner, zones or settings) in the admin panel.

    I figured out what's the problem but I have no idea how to resolve it.
    The main problem you can see in the image. The webpath/baseurl is not considered in the action of any form element in the admin panel. 
    It seems that this is a bug but maybe its just a setting, can someone help me out?


    Edit/Update: Revive adds the form URL like this. It seems actually that the webpath is not considered.

    $this->oTpl->assign('formUrl', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);


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