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Posts posted by magicmulder

  1. Did anyone solve this problem?

    I tried multiple paths from 3.0.2. and made it up to 3.1.0. Any upgrade to versions 3.2.x ended with the above mentioned error message.

    I also unsuccesssfully tried 3.1.0 -> 3.2.x.

    There must be a trick, right?

    Did you change the default database layout in any way? We've just successfully upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.2.3 with no installation issues. Your error message sounds like Revive is trying to install from scratch instead of updating (because it cannot successfully detect you already have Revive installed). The *_account_preference_assoc table was added in December 2007 according to version control so an update script should not try to install it as it likely predates 3.0.2.

  2. We just successfully upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.2.3. 

    We've noticed that the pulldowns (that usually say "Is one of" or "Contains" etc.) in the Delivery Limitation tab for a banner are empty (we had the same issue with 3.2.2 which caused us to sit that one out).

    To quick-fix this, we had to insert the following at the top of the methods displayComparison() and checkComparison() in htdocs/lib/OX/Extension/deliveryLimitations/DeliveryLimitations.php:

    if ($this->aOperations == "") {

    Anybody else seen this? I haven't yet figured out where aOperations (which is filled in the constructor) gets nulled again after initialization of the class.

  3. We've noticed that the Doubleclick plugin supplied with current Revive (3.2.2. and earlier) does not support injecting the click tag for Doubleclick banners embedded via HTTPS.

    A fix would be to change


    in lines 51, 52 to this:


     $search  = array("/\[timestamp\]/i", "/(http:.*?;)(.*?)/i", "/(https:.*?;)(.*?)/i");
     $replace = array("{random}",      "$1click0={clickurl};$2", "$1click0={clickurl};$2");
  4. That's because the plugin does not support HTTPS URLs.

    A fix in the source would be to change plugins/3rdPartyServers/ox3rdPartyServers/doubleclick.class.php in lines 51, 52 to this:


     $search  = array("/\[timestamp\]/i", "/(http:.*?;)(.*?)/i", "/(https:.*?;)(.*?)/i");
     $replace = array("{random}",      "$1click0={clickurl};$2", "$1click0={clickurl};$2");
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