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Peter P

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Posts posted by Peter P

  1. Hi,

    I currently use Revive Adserver 3.2.1. I need to use the "campaign override option" with limit to add impressions. 

    Revive Adserver 3.2.1 currently refreshes in 20 minutes and i get a vast amount of additional advertising impressions for this time period, since I have significant traffic on my website. How can I set the refresh on less than 20 minutes, maybe 1 or 30 seconds, so I can at least limit the extra impressions as much as I can. I tried to decrease the refresh time in configurations->banner delivery settings-> Time Between Banner Cache Updates (seconds), but it did not work. Once I set it to less than 20 minutes, it goes back to 20.
    How can I set exact limit of "override" impressions, without showing extra impressions? I need the add to dissapear after exact number of impressions, not more. 
    Just a note, we use memcache for Banner delivery cache store type
    Thanks for your help!
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