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Posts posted by michal

  1. Hi all, 

    I have setup a site in my revive and it's all seems to work, I have an iframe tag that I put on a test website and it's getting my ads..

    However, my impressions count is not even close to real numbers it's much much lower than it should be.


    1. Does anyone know way this  issue can happen? (revive 3.2.1)

    2. How can I check the impressions in the DB? (which table collect this data??)



    Since I'm new at it, any help will do! 



  2. Hi there! 


    I am doing a server side ad serving using "Local Mode Tag" which works great.


    Now a new demand has come up and I need to integrate a geo (per 1 zone I have a couple of different ads served by country).. I can pass the IP or create a static mapping: IP range - country, but I can't seem to find it in the serving..


    Is it possible? if not, any workaround that is? 


    Much Appreciated :-)

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