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Posts posted by clove

  1. Maybe it's not too late, I just want to share my trick.

    Just put the invocation code in an element, and modify the width/height on parsing.

    <div id="some-id">
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            // invocation code here
        </script><noscript><!-- bla bla --></noscript>
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var img = $('#some-id').find('img');
            if (typeof (img) !== 'undefined' && img.length > 0) {
                        .addClass('img-responsive'); // eg: twitter bootstrap

    On this case, I didn't care about the downloading size, but only how it's being presented.

    Still, the original width + height should exactly match with the zone's size.

    Hi, could you explain it more so I will be able to implement this in my own site? What should I put in the  "bla--blaa" part? Can I just leave it blank?

  2. Yes, you probably need to make the banner itself responsive via scripts that are hosted externally, and just deliver the HTML to load up the banner & script via Revive Adserver?


    Hi Andrew,


    I also would like to make a responsive ads for one of my zones.


    What I learned so far is to make a zone dedicated for mobile. I have that zone right now, but I don't know how to switch the zones (Header > Mobile). Could you help me out about the code to  make this work? Thank you! :rolleyes:

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