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Posts posted by mloretan

  1. Hi,

    I'm facing a problem where banner link doesn't work in some situation. I know we can't manage banner/campaign rotation in an email zone, therefore we have campaign planned each week that doesn't overlap.
    It was working fine for over than a year and suddenly, every few weeks links are broken, and after check there was no campaign overlap (there is one campaign every week for a daily newsletter).

    I've found that in the linked banners for that zone, there is multiple campaign marked as active (icon not greyed). The one that is supposed to be active and another that have an ending date that is in the past.

    The way I can "fix" the problem, is to edit the campaign that should be deactivated (actually it is already, just not in the linked banner page) and saving it without changing anything. After this, the campaign is correctly deactivated and the link work again.


    This problem happen every few weeks and I have to manually fix the problem. I'm looking for a way to fix this definitively, as anyone faced this ? 

  2. Hello, I'm trying tu setup a campaign in a newsletter with multiple banner (all inside the same campaign).

    It's displayed correctly following the weight of each banner, but the link isn't redirected to the destination url when clicked. It just leads to the php script with a blank page (www.mydomain.com/delivery/ck.php?zoneid=9).

    The zone is correctly set as a an Email/newsletter zone, and everything seems working when there's only one banner activated linked to it.

    Does anyone have an idea what the problem is ?


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