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Posts posted by wisconsindad

  1. Matteo - I have been continuing to look into this and it does appear that appending a pairing macro or adding the cachebusting macro to both the image and href should do the trick. AdSpeed is another ad server that supports this sort of implementation and they indicate in their help docs that this approach allows the user to target multiple ads to the same zone.

    Please see the help doc at https://www.adspeed.com/Knowledges/1492/Publishers/Zone-Email-Newsletter.html

    "If your email marketing/delivery system supports macros (or "merge tags") that you can use inside your email campaign for customization. You can use these macros to add a matching value into the email ad tag in order to properly view and click for a zone with multiple ads....." {remaining detailed background explaining this at https://www.adspeed.com/Knowledges/1492/Publishers/Zone-Email-Newsletter.html}

    Ad tag in email template (with macro/merge tags):

    <a href="http://adserver/ad.php?do=clk&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@*|EMAIL_UID|**|DATE:mdyu|*" target="_blank">

    <img src="http://adserver/ad.php?do=img&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@*|EMAIL_UID|**|DATE:mdyu|*" alt="ad" width="300" height="250" border="0" />



    Ad tag when sending to Mary:

    <a href="https://adserver/ad.php?do=clk&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@HashForMary11112014123" target="_blank">

    <img src="https://adserver/ad.php?do=img&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@HashForMary11112014123" alt="ad" width="300" height="250" border="0"  />



    Ad tag when sending to Bob:

    <a href="https://adserver/ad.php?do=clk&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@HashForBob11112014125" target="_blank">

    <img src="https://adserver/ad.php?do=img&zid=12345&wd=300&ht=250&pair=em@HashForBob11112014125" alt="ad" width="300" height="250" border="0"  />


    The email marketing delivery systems we use (like mailchimp) do support macros so this will not be an issue but we would need the revive invocation code to have a parameter for use for the macro. I believe if you added the cb paramter to the href string (as it is already appended to the img src for cachebusting, you would then have the foundation for implementing the approach described above. So the cb macro would then serve as both a cache buster and a pairing mechanism just as the pair paramter above serves as both a pairing mechanism (to pair the image and the link) and a cachebuster (for the image). Is this something that could be implemented with Revive?
  2. We would like to delay loading the ads until the ad spot has scrolled into the browser window view. We want this for both performance and ad-sales purposes.

    We dug around in the JS that the revive server sends to the site, and it appears to have a refresh function, that ultimately calls a detect function.  We tried running this command in our console:


    But it did not do anything.  Can you clarify: What is the proper way to call this function from our code? If we know the proper way to call this function we could then easily write an event listener to call this function after we insert the ad blocks.  


  3. Currently, only one active banner can target an email ad unit for any specific time range. The reasons for this are explained here: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Only+One+Active+Banner+in+Email-Newsletter+Zones

    We'd like to be able to run multiple campaigns with overlapping campaign dates (for example, all with the same start and end dates) with multiple active banners targeting the same email ad units. This is currently possible with other ad servers that have an email ad serving option such as Broadstreet, AdButler, PowerInbox, and others. These other ad servers typically include a place in the img src URL and the href URL for a unique ID macro from the email newsletter platform. For example, the tag would look something like this:

    <a href=”adserver.adserverdomain.com/zone_static/83740/click/0?uid=EMAILPLATFORMUNIQUEIDMACROhere” target=”_blank”><img src=”adserver.adserverdomain.com/zone_static/83740/image/0?uid=EMAILPLATFORMUNIQUEIDMACROhere” style=”max-width:100%;height:auto;” /></a>

    If the publisher uses Mailchimp the tag would look something like this:

    <a href=”adserver.adserverdomain.com/zone_static/83740/click/0?uid=*|CAMPAIGN_UID|*” target=”_blank”><img src=”adserver.adserverdomain.com/zone_static/83740/image/0?uid=*|CAMPAIGN_UID|*” style=”max-width:100%;height:auto;” /></a>

  4. I'd like to use Digital Ocean's managed database and managed kubernetes but their managed database only supports mySQL version 8 (which will not work with Revive according to the revive help docs) and PostgreSQL version 10 and above. If you have experience installing revive on Digital Ocean, please send me a message. Thanks!

  5. When testing my vast tag at https://developers.google.com/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/html5/client-side/vastinspectorI see the following error in the event log of the tester

    • (6:05:39 PM) Ad error: AdError 1010: The ad response was not understood and cannot be parsed.


    1. The tag is of the following form: https://revive.mydomain.com/www/delivery/fc.php?script=bannerTypeHtml:vastInlineBannerTypeHtml:vastInlineHtml&format=vast&nz=1&zones=pre-roll%3D5    where 5 is the zone ID 
    2. When I enter the URL in my browser (just to see what the response is), it looks like a normal VAST response to me. A screenshot is below
    3. The preview in revive of the video ad looks just fine when I preview it via my revive ui
    4. I am using IAB VAST Plugin 1.13.2
    5. I am using Revive Adserver v5.1.1 running on Apache, PHP 7.3.27 and MySQL 5.6.41-84.1.



  6. I am getting the following error when clicking on banner ads using any of the invocation codes, including the async code.

    Not Acceptable!

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.


    1. I checked permissions on cl.php and the folder containing it and they are 644 and 755 respectively.

    2. Php version is 7.3

    3. We are using hostgator as our server. 



  7. right, that makes sense. but the issue i am needing to address is whether running adsense through revive (or other ad servers) can result in lower revenue from adsense. This article says

    "The best method to use is the one that includes the tag directly on the page. Direct tagging provides Google with the cleanest, highest-quality signals from the ad request, and results in the highest quality targeting."

    "Direct tagging is the easiest mechanism for ensuring that the ad request to Google contains the information needed to maximise revenue."


    If adsense RPM drops by 20% merely because I am trafficking their tag through an ad server and my higher paying advertisers are only paying 10% more than adsense in terms of RPM, then i'm potentially losing money when monetizing using AdSense plus directly sold impressions.  so i just want to be sure a loss in rev as a result of an inferior signal when trafficking adsense tag through an ad server does not occur, or if it does occur, that is is not 10% or 20% or above.  


    hopefully this helps to clarify. 

  8. This article (http://webgilde.com/en/google-dfp-compared-to-adsense/) suggests that a AdSense revenue drop can result from doing this. And one of the AdSense support docs says that placing an adsense tag directly on your site provides Google with the best "signal."  But this Revive Adserver faq article suggests that one may actually be able to increase AdSense revenue by serving the AdSense tag through Revive Adserver. My question: Does serving AdSense tags through Revive Adserver typically result in lower RPM than when one places the AdSense tags on one's site directly?

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