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Posts posted by Iwan

  1. Hello,


    I am not sure if this topic was raised, if yes please accept my sincire apologize and put the link. 


    I am running Revive 3.0.5 version.


    As I have joined one of the affiliate networks as a publisher, I have been provided with HTML banner and for optimiziation purpose I would like to track clicks on my side aswell. 


    I am thinking on two possibile solutions here: 


    1) manually add Revive Magic Macro for click tracking within HTML banners 

    [ This seems to be a annoying task to do anytime we start with new banner / campaign ]


    2) add this particular Affiliate Network to : Alter HTML list.


    and in  relation to point 2, I have the following concers : 


    - is it even possible to add another partner to this list? If yes, which file/files do I have to modify ?

    - if I add this partner to the list and if I paste HTML code provided by them, Revieve will automatically put Magic Macro in the code ?




    If you have any other idea or work around, let me know.

    If somethin wasn't described clear enough , let me know and I will do my best to elaborate on this.



    Thank you in advance,



  2. Hi Tamir,


    would you mind to elaborate on this please? 


    What do you exactly mean by " without knowing on which website my banners will be shown " ? 


    I assume, that as an AdNetwork Company, you know the websites you're managing. 


    You could do this in one of the following ways :


    - if you want to deliver the same ads on all of the websites without differientiation just setup most basic adformats and place them all over the websites you got.

    - prerpare specific adformats per webiste/ subpage and deploy them all over the websites you got. Once you want to deliver the ads to specific sections, you will link the campaign and the banners with relevant zones

    - if you want something different, elaborate on this, please.



    Best regards,


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