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Posts posted by hkopo

  1. Does anyone know the difference between these two tables?  I've been using  rv_data_intermediate_ad to compile statistics data that matches the revive adserver reporting but the data_summary_hourly seems to return the same data.  One indicates that it might be temporary (intermediate) the other summarized (hourly) but when I run a query against both, I get the same results and just doing a count(*) on that some query returns the same number of rows which tells me the summarization is the same on both.

  2. I have an image on my unix server (the same server that is running revive adserver).  Additionally I have an http address that points to that image.  Can anyone help me with what function I should call to add that banner so that it's storageType is 'web' (i.e. stored locally on the server).  I'm able to create banners where the url points to an external http address, but I need to have the file stored locally on my server.  Sample code would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I'm able to use the rest API to add a "URL" type banner.  But when I swtich it to "WEB" which has the banner locally stored on my server I get an error that the "aImage" parameter must be passed in (which is not mentioned anywhere on the rest API documentation).


    The banner has been upload to my local server and I have a URL address that can access it.  Any help would be appreciated.



  4. In looking at the data tables behind my adserver I noticed references to zone 0.  I've found references in two tables so far:


    rv_ad_zone_assoc and rv_data_summary_ad_hourly.  I can't find any rows in rv_zones for zone 0.  Does anyone know what the significance of zone 0 is, how it's used and why it gets created?

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