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Posts posted by jerrry

  1. Hello, can you please give me a help? I need to put two "full-brand" (U-brand) campaigns on my website. Full brand means, than this ads is created with three banner position around the web (2x skyscraper on the left/right + leaderboard TOP banner). These three banners together looks like a horseshoe around the web.
    And I need, for a specific date, to have two campaign like this - one for one client, another for another client. But when I create two campaigns (every with 3 banners) and add them to specific zone - than there starts a mischmasch.
    If one campaign with three banners ruining, everything is ok - there are two skyscrapers and one leaderboard position with client's ads. But when I add second campaign to these zones, than there is a problem.
    For example: Leaderboard banner graphic is loaded from one campaign, and skyscrapers graphic is loaded from second campaign. But at one time (for page load I mean), I need to show only banners from one campaign, and for another page reload from second campaign. Can you please help me how can I set this in Revive AdServer?
  2. Here is list from my error log. I tried to contact my hosting provider, but everything seems to be fine, but I don't know why I still receiving Error 500 page :( (I'v changed my original domain to mydomain.com)

    Dec 30 09:35:36 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/stats.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.200 sec
    Dec 30 09:35:37 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/stats.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.109 sec
    Dec 30 09:40:31 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/stats.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.106 sec
    Dec 30 09:40:32 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/stats.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.106 sec
    Dec 30 09:40:42 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/campaign-banners.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.108 sec
    Dec 30 09:40:43 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/campaign-banners.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.173 sec
    Dec 30 09:41:36 pip pound: my.ip.address.xxx GET /www/admin/stats.php HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error (ads.mydomain.com/- -> 0.114 sec

    I'v compared Revive AdServer system req. with my server settings and there is nothing wrong too


    Apache with mod_php or any webserver using FastCGI (nginx, IIS 7+, lighttpd, etc.): yes, FastCGI
    PHP 5.1.4+, 5.2.x, 5.3.x, 5.4.20+, 5.5.2+: we are using 5.3, can be switched to 5.4 or 5.5
    Required PHP extensions: zlib, pcre, xml, mysql and/or pgsql: zlib - yes, pcre - yes, xml - yes, mysql- yes
    Suggested PHP extensions: curl and/or openssl, gd, any opcode cache extension (opcache, apc, eaccelerator, xcache): curl - yes, gd - yes
    cache extension - not installed on our shared hosting, but is it really necessary?
    Apache .htaccess - available
    Database server
    MySQL 4.1+: we are using version 5.x+
    Can I somewhere in Revive AdServer turn on error login? Because when I create a .user.ini file with this content, it's not logging anything
    log_errors = 1
    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
    error_log = /hosting/www/mydomain.com/ads/error.log
  3. Hi, I'v tried to install a clean version of Revive Ad Server 3.0.2. Everything seems to installed fine, but when I log in and click to "Statistics" page, I see blank page with "500: Internal server error" (this page shows in few other menu items like "Targeting channels", "Banners" or "creating new banner page  :( … etc. Can you please help me, because I don't know where is the problem.

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