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Iphone Linear Preroll Ads With Jwplayer6


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I have successfully making JWPlayer6 work with Revive Adserver to deliver a linear preroll ad on the desktops/laptops environment.  The Ad's are formatted in a MP4 mode.


When I attempt to access the same video with the iPhone4, the preroll ad doesn't appear, just the main video.


I tested with the iPhone a demo out with JWPlayer6 from their site and their ad provider and their ad is appearing.  I don't think the issue is with jwplayer, does Revive support linear mp4 ads to mobile devices ?


Here is the thread from JWplayer6 that states they support HTML5



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JWplayer has indicated that the xml document is not properly formed: 


XML Parsing Error: XML declaration not well-formed
Location: http://www.icecodeproductions.com/adserver/www/delivery/fc.php?script=bannerTypeHtml:vastInlineBannerTypeHtml:vastInlineHtml&zones=pre-roll0-0%3D20&nz=1&source=&r=R0.023106331005692482&block=1&format=vast&charset=UTF-8%22
Line Number 1, Column 36:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8""?>

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