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I cannot update, after the first step I have the following message :



Previous version - 1 error

Errors were found when detecting previous installations of Revive Adserver
We have detected integrity issues with your database. This means that the layout of your database differs from what we expect it to be. This could be due to customization of your database.


    - database integrity check detected problems with the database
    - 2 indexes to add


Any suggestion ?


I use a standard openX 2.8.10 version and I never customized database tables


Thank you for your help,






The install.log and/or debug.log files (in the 'var' folder) will contain more information on what the upgrade wizard has found in terms of a discrepancy between the database it found and the database is was expecting to find.




Please have a look at the install.log file :



Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. phpAdsNew) installation...
PAN not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.1) installation...
MMM v0.1 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.3) installation...
MMM v0.3 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing OpenX installation...
schema file found: /home/users3/n/netcoupe/www/openads_new-adserver 3.0.2/etc/changes/schema_tables_core_613.xml
schema definition from cache TRUE
successfully parsed the schema
schema name: openads
schema version: 613
schema status: final
running integrity check
comparing database netcoupe4 with schema /home/users3/n/netcoupe/www/openads_new-adserver 3.0.2/etc/changes/schema_tables_core_613.xml
index missing from table: acls.bannerid
index missing from table: acls_channel.channelid
table is not part of schema: banner_vast_element
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_a
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_a_var
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_c
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_m
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_r
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_vast_e
table is not part of schema: database_action
table is not part of schema: ext_market_advertiser
table is not part of schema: ext_market_assoc_data
table is not part of schema: ext_market_campaign_pref
table is not part of schema: ext_market_general_pref
table is not part of schema: ext_market_plugin_variable
table is not part of schema: ext_market_setting
table is not part of schema: ext_market_stats
table is not part of schema: ext_market_web_stats
table is not part of schema: ext_market_website_pref
table is not part of schema: stats_vast
table is not part of schema: upgrade_action
table is not part of schema: z_06f06c17cc83e7db
table is not part of schema: z_160268812b53f635
table is not part of schema: z_1dd72489a4fc22a4
table is not part of schema: z_23ca7a13e9b9f1df
table is not part of schema: z_283dc01d6d5bb76e
table is not part of schema: z_34fb64eb719d1398
table is not part of schema: z_36f44a8d73923dfe
table is not part of schema: z_437635af08a7936d
table is not part of schema: z_582a63ff1d4c148c
table is not part of schema: z_64803080aef3bb4c
table is not part of schema: z_734d36b5ca663098
table is not part of schema: z_7828dc56b25b579a
table is not part of schema: z_9214906cd772e71f
table is not part of schema: z_9eb26ac2d3604eb4
table is not part of schema: z_ab8898e5e65abc93
table is not part of schema: z_b15041e7385b2282
table is not part of schema: z_b5e04df7d5a56397
table is not part of schema: z_b790d3897de35845
table is not part of schema: z_c7d36da84e1d6340
table is not part of schema: z_c81287d98d74f0aa
table is not part of schema: z_c84c27c80e35df08
table is not part of schema: z_c94863c8033be804
table is not part of schema: z_d42b1db699f939c0
table is not part of schema: z_d8f97b0b11b03dfa
table is not part of schema: z_dd5460ef9685c62d
to version: 613
timing: constructive
target database: netcoupe4
table prefix: oa_
successfully initialised DB Upgrade
verifying/creating constructive tasklist
task found: doAddIndex__acls__bannerid
task found: doAddIndex__acls_channel__channelid
#! database integrity check detected problems with the database
#! 2 indexes to add


Can you please tell me what I have to do ? .... and how ?


Thank you,




This issue you have is listed there:


comparing database netcoupe4 with schema /home/users3/n/netcoupe/www/openads_new-adserver 3.0.2/etc/changes/schema_tables_core_613.xml
index missing from table: acls.bannerid
index missing from table: acls_channel.channelid

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