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maintenance 'Security' warning, never had before, followed all steps to resolve. I appreciate you and any direction of help.


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Some directories in the Revive Adserver package are not supposed to be served by your webserver directly, for security reasons. Leaving such files and directories accessible might disclose unwanted information and pose a security threat. A quick security check has been run and you will find the results below.


error.gif  Your browser was able to fetch some files that should not be accessible. For example:

  • etc/database_action.xml
  • plugins/etc/openXDeliveryLog.xml


Click here to find more information on how to secure your installation.


I have followed every item correctly.  I update the product without issue each time. It did include INSTALLATION and README.txt as I attempted to remove all permissions and the statistics started to fail when the same was applied to these two files.

Permissions are correct, owner is correct. My old install has rthe same values and works without the warning.  Bug?

Ubuntu installed with standard lamp stack. I have never had issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day!


you're appreciated!


Edited by rdatt
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