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Hi there,

Does anyone know how to display different banners depending on what device the user has?

ie. 728x90 leader for desktop only, and a 300x250 for mobile only

This seems like a standard requirement these days and I can't find any mention of this in the settings.

Any help or advice is much appreciated ?



The only workaround I've found for this is to use @media CSS in your page layout to hide the larger banner on smaller screens and vice versa for the smaller banner. If you use the Bootstrap framework (or similar) this is made simpler as you can use the display classes.

Obviously not an idea situation because the stats will be off (inflated impressions and reduced click thrus). But it's a method.



  • 1 year later...

Hi, I'm interested in this too.

Is there any other way or with a plugin?

Because maybe if you load the 2 banners and then "hide" one using CSS, maybe both are counted in the impressions, no? And that would not be desirable because it would alter the statistics.

  • 1 month later...

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