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Problem with direct selection click tracking after upgrade to 5.2.0


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After upgrading from 5.0.5 to 5.2.0, I noticed that click-tracking of the banners that we use with direct selection codes don't work. 

The banner is selected like this: http://host.com/www/delivery/avw.php?bannerid=3444

We have used this kind of click-tracking codes:

Is this now deprecated and how should we define the click-tracking now?

We use this kind of selection, because the newsletter could have 5-10 banners and we want to be dynamic with the placement of the banners in the newsletter. I think the newsletter banner type we can't define many banners dynamically: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Only+One+Active+Banner+in+Email-Newsletter+Zones

So, what is the correct way to define the click-tracking with direct selection banners?

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13 minutes ago, lpa said:

After upgrading from 5.0.5 to 5.2.0, I noticed that click-tracking of the banners that we use with direct selection codes don't work. 

The banner is selected like this: http://host.com/www/delivery/avw.php?bannerid=3444

We have used this kind of click-tracking codes:

Is this now deprecated and how should we define the click-tracking now?

We use this kind of selection, because the newsletter could have 5-10 banners and we want to be dynamic with the placement of the banners in the newsletter. I think the newsletter banner type we can't define many banners dynamically: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Only+One+Active+Banner+in+Email-Newsletter+Zones

So, what is the correct way to define the click-tracking with direct selection banners?

Further question: If we should use the new cl.php script for click-tracking is this macro usage possible any more:

The click-url defined for the banner would be like this with the Revive macro-tags:


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I tried the new cl.php, but it does not seem to expand the macros:

<a href="https://host.com/www/delivery/cl.php?bannerid=3444"><img src=""></a> does not expand the macros {uid}, {source}, {bannerid}, {campaigned} as the ck.php did before.

Now I will be redirected to 


instead of:



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After the same upgrade my click tracking and links used in my eNewsletter no longer work. I re-created a tag which looks like this:

<!--  MySite.com Advertising No Cookie Image Tag - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.2.0 -->
<a href='http://www. MySite.com/adserv/www/delivery/cl.php?zoneid=397' target='_blank'><img src='http://www. MySite.com/adserv/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=397&amp;source= MySite.com&amp;target=_blank' border='0' alt='' /></a>


However, the link does not function, even though it is correctly set up for the banner selected for this zone.

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Update, I am able to get the link to at least function with the changes below, but notice the destination URL is very different from what is generated by the zone. In the code above generated by the zone, the link does not work:

<!--  MySite.com Advertising No Cookie Image Tag - Generated with Revive Adserver v5.2.0 -->
<a href='https://www. MySite.com/adserv/www/delivery/cl.php?zoneid=397&campaignid=1131&bannerid=2539' target='external'><img src='https://www. MySite.com/adserv/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=397&amp;source= MySite.com&amp;target=_blank&amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE' border='0' alt='Gluten-Free Mall' /></a>

Edited by scott001
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  • 2 months later...
On 4/1/2021 at 11:09 AM, lpa said:

I tried the new cl.php, but it does not seem to expand the macros:

<a href="https://host.com/www/delivery/cl.php?bannerid=3444"><img src=""></a> does not expand the macros {uid}, {source}, {bannerid}, {campaigned} as the ck.php did before.

Now I will be redirected to 


instead of:



This problem is still unsolved. Is there any way to get the user defined macros like {uid}, {source} etc be populated while using the direct selection method with the new cl.php? 

The destination url is stored in the banner like this, but the macros are not working:




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/15/2021 at 2:59 PM, lpa said:

This problem is still unsolved. Is there any way to get the user defined macros like {uid}, {source} etc be populated while using the direct selection method with the new cl.php? 

The destination url is stored in the banner like this, but the macros are not working:




Hi @lpa, did you find a solution yet? It seems i run into the same problem as i wrote in here: 

I am coming from OpenX 2.8.9 and didn't use my Adserver actively for quite a while (obv.).

Now i signed some new programs as a publisher and none of the banner links work.

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All my sites run on the same server. So my adserver is on <somedomain> and i use <someotherdomain> on the sites publishing the ads.

When i click on a banner using https://<somedomain>/www/delivery/cl.php?... then the redirect works. When i click on the same banner from one of my websites using https://<someotherdomain>/www/delivery/cl.php?... then it loads the page but doesn't do any redirect.

To me this is really strange.

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I am back to not changing html for click tracking. At least the banners are clickable now and do work. I will just not have the possibilty to track any clicks.

I will have to rely on the records of my ad network partner.

It is a pity that OpenX had to go this way eventhough i understand the reasons which led to the change from ck.php to cl.php


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