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I have migrated my revive installation from adv.inonda.tv to adv.alterheads.com.

  1. I have created a database backup of adv.inonda.tv installation
  2. I have created a new database in adv.alterheads.com
  3. In this database I have imported the backup of the database from adv.inonda.tv
  4. I have copied the Revive Adserver files into adv.alterheads.com
  5. After I have do the access to adv.alterheads.com URL to do the installation/upgrade
  6. Revive have seen that it was the last version 5.2.0 and the database was correctly installed and it redirect me to the login page
  7. I have do the login correctly and I'm entered in the dashboard
  8. I'm entered into the administration dashboard and I have installed all plugins (I don't have found the openX3rdPartyServers.zip)...
  9. I'm returned to user/publisher dashboard
  10. I can see all users, statistics, zones, campaigns, editors, but if I try to enter into the banner section I can see only the banner of the Amazon Campaing. If I try to into another banner section campaign I cannot see any banner and also I cannot see the ilnks to create or delete banners... See the attached images

What should I do to solve this issue?





Hi to all,

well, I have found two others Campaigns where I can see the banners, and are two local banners.

But I have others campaigns with local banners where I have the issue.

So, I'm entered into "Preferences > Account Preferences > User interface preferences" and I have deactivated all banners preview and all work fine now, but I cannot see the banners preview and also if I put the invocation code into a test site I can see only the banners of the campaigns that I can see the preview of the Banner without problems when in the preferences I have activated the banners preview.

Now, what could be the issue?


Well, I have also seen that if I create a new campaign and I added a new html banner with the same html code from another banner all works fine with the preview activated.

I have also seen that I have the preview issues when in the banner editor I select "Generic HTML banner" in "Edit HTML to enable click tracking for".

Else, if I select "Don't edit HTML" all works fine.

What could be the issue and what should I do to solve it?

10 hours ago, funkman733 said:


I have migrated my revive installation from adv.inonda.tv to adv.alterheads.com.

  1. I have created a database backup of adv.inonda.tv installation
  2. I have created a new database in adv.alterheads.com
  3. In this database I have imported the backup of the database from adv.inonda.tv
  4. I have copied the Revive Adserver files into adv.alterheads.com
  5. After I have do the access to adv.alterheads.com URL to do the installation/upgrade
  6. Revive have seen that it was the last version 5.2.0 and the database was correctly installed and it redirect me to the login page
  7. I have do the login correctly and I'm entered in the dashboard
  8. I'm entered into the administration dashboard and I have installed all plugins (I don't have found the openX3rdPartyServers.zip)...
  9. I'm returned to user/publisher dashboard
  10. I can see all users, statistics, zones, campaigns, editors, but if I try to enter into the banner section I can see only the banner of the Amazon Campaing. If I try to into another banner section campaign I cannot see any banner and also I cannot see the ilnks to create or delete banners... See the attached images

What should I do to solve this issue?




Between points 4 and 5 I have lost to write another point...

Well, from adv.inonda.tv I have take the "adv.inonda.tv.conf.php" I have changed it into "adv.alterheads.com.conf.php" and I have edited it with the new database values, new folders values, and new domain ad server values. and I have uploaded it into /var folder


Well, fortunely I have solved the issue.

From adv.inonda.tv I have take the "adv.inonda.tv.conf.php" I have opened my "adv.alterheads.com.conf.php" and I have seen that some string was deleted. Then I have edited the last one and I have uploaded it into /var folder.

Now all works fine!

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