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I've got the following error recently:


An error occurred while accessing the database

Due to a problem with the database Revive Adserver couldn't retrieve or store data. If this problem is reproducable it might be caused by a bug in Revive Adserver. Please report the following information to the creators of Revive Adserver. Also try to describe the actions that led to this error as clearly as possible.

Version:       Revive Adserver v5.0.4
PHP/DB:    PHP 7.2.28-4+0~20200224.38+debian9~1.gbp1ca010 / Unknown 5.7.29-
Page:    /www/admin/banner-edit.php

INSERT INTO ox_banners (campaignid , contenttype , pluginversion , storagetype , filename , imageurl , htmltemplate , htmlcache , width , height , weight , target , url , alt , statustext , bannertext , description , adserver , alt_filename , alt_imageurl , alt_contenttype , comments , updated , keyword , parameters , status , iframe_friendly ) VALUES ( 196 , 'gif' ,  0 , 'web' , 'a79289c5ee4c35f9bdfc08a4206730fe.gif' , '' , '' , '' ,  300 ,  250 ,  1 , '_blank' , 'https://www.hrvatskitelekom.hr/pogodnosti/diners?utm_source=racunalo.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=diners-03-2020&utm_content=300x250' , '' , '' , '' , 'HT Diners Pogodnosti (300x250)' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '2020-03-10 19:23:12' , 'HT Diners Pogodnosti' , 'N;' ,  0 ,  0 )


    [_qf__bannerForm] =>
    [token] => 3ad72414b03898e6a30d01be3fee4f82
    [clientid] => 41
    [campaignid] => 196
    [bannerid] =>
    [type] => web
    [status] =>
    [MAX_FILE_SIZE] => 10485760
    [replaceimage] => t
    [replacealtimage] => t
    [description] => HT Diners Pogodnosti (300x250)
    [checkswf] => 1
    => https://www.hrvatskitelekom.hr/pogodnosti/diners?utm_source=racunalo.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=diners-03-2020&utm_content=300x250
    [target] => _blank
    [alt] =>
    [statustext] =>
    [bannertext] =>
    [keyword] => HT Diners Pogodnosti
    [weight] => 1
    [comments] =>
    [submit] => Save changes



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