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Dear sirs,

All pages of our website have 4 zones for impression of the banners. In each zone we rotate from 5 to 10 banners different advertisers (equally rotation).

One advertiser took all 4 slots and wants to show all his 4 banners at the same time.

Please let us know how can it be done.


Isn't that must matter of running your customers ads in the highest campaign priority, e.g. "overide" and also set it as the highest priority? 


Quote: https://documentation.revive-adserver.com/display/DOCS/Creating+a+Campaign

When an Override campaign type is selected, the Priority in relation to other campaigns fields will contain a single option:

  • Set the campaign weight: Set the "weight" of the Override campaign in relation to other Override campaigns. Campaigns with a higher weight will be prioritised first; so, if there are two Override campaigns competing for the same inventory, one with weight 1, and one with weight 2, then the campaign with weight 2 will "win" two out of three times, and take the inventory in preference to the campaign with weight 1; but one in three times, the campaign with weight 1 will win and take inventory in preference to the campaign with weight 2. That is, when there are two Override campaigns competing for the same inventory, one campaign with weight 1, and one with weight 2, then the campaign with weight 1 will get 1/3 of the inventory, and the campaign with weight 2 will get 2/3 of the inventory.
  • Alternatively, if there were two Override campaigns with equal weight competing for the same inventory, then they would share the inventory 50/50.

Even if the banner of company #1 "wins" and is displayed in the first zone on the page, where is the guarantee that another banner of the same company #1 will "win" in the same moment in another zones on same page?

We have four zones on all pages. The main task - to make client's #1 banners appear at same moment in all four zones.

On 10/25/2018 at 6:55 AM, Emirates said:

Even if the banner of company #1 "wins" and is displayed in the first zone on the page, where is the guarantee that another banner of the same company #1 will "win" in the same moment in another zones on same page?

If you choose "override" as Campaign type and don't have any other campaigns with this settings, it will always take this campaign as first choice. So if you add a proper frequency capping to only be shown 4 times (or any number divisible), it always should win over all others and display these four banners at the same time.

Otherwise you'd have to tweak the source code, I think that shouldn't be tat hard, since you could use the "don't show multiple ads of the same campaign" (context in the invocation code) stuff the other way round.

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