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Upgrade from v4.0.0 to v4.1.4


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Hi @Ian vM,

during the final step (plugin setup) the install exit and the page displays:

MAX_Dal_Delivery_Include(); function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogConversion_logConversion_Delivery_logConversion($trackerId, $serverRawIp, $aConversion, $okToLog = true) { if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $table_prefix = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix']; $results=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select c.clientid,c.revenue_type,c.revenue,cl.dj_payment_method,p.deposit_amount from ".$table_prefix."campaigns as c,".$table_prefix."banners as b,".$table_prefix."clients as cl,dj_payment_details as p where b.campaignid=c.campaignid and cl.clientid=c.clientid and p.client_id = cl.clientid and b.bannerid='".$aConversion['cid']."'")); $method = $results['dj_payment_method']; $id = $results['clientid']; $type = $results['revenue_type']; $amt = $results['revenue']; $damt = $results['deposit_amount']; $tracker_parameter=$aConversion['cid'].'_'. $aConversion['zid']; $request_id=(!empty($_REQUEST['request_id']))?$_REQUEST['request_id']:$_COOKIE['OXLCR'][$tracker_parameter]; if($method == 1 && $type == 3) { $win_bid = $amt; $balance = $damt - $amt; OA_Dal_Delivery_query("update dj_payment_details set deposit_amount='".$balance."' where client_id='".$id."'"); } $select_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT revenue,revenue_type FROM ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['campaigns'])." AS c, ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['banners'])." AS b WHERE b.bannerid='".$aConversion['cid']."' AND c.campaignid=b.campaignid"); $fetch_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select_revenue_type); if($fetch_revenue_type['revenue_type']==3) { $win_bid = $fetch_revenue_type['revenue']; } if(!empty($win_bid)) { $select = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select a.publishershare,a.affiliateid from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}affiliates as a ,{$aConf['table']['prefix']}zones as z where z.zoneid='".$aConversion['zid']."' AND a.affiliateid=z.affiliateid ") or die("Error1"); $row = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select); $publishershare = $row['publishershare']; if(empty($row['publishershare'])) { $defaultShare = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select pubshare from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_admin_configuration"); if(OA_Dal_Delivery_numRows($defaultShare) > 0) { $rowShare =OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($defaultShare); $publishershare = $rowShare['pubshare']; } } $pub_share=$win_bid*($publishershare/100); } else { $pub_share=""; } OA_Dal_Delivery_connect('rawDatabase'); $table = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix'] . 'data_bkt_a'; if (empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'])) { $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'] = time(); } $time = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW']; $aValues = array( 'server_ip' => $serverRawIp, 'tracker_id' => (int)$trackerId, 'date_time' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time), 'action_date_time' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $aConversion['dt']), 'creative_id' => (int)$aConversion['cid'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aConversion['zid'], 'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id, 'dj_win_bid' => $win_bid, 'cost' => $pub_share, 'action' => $aConversion['action_type'], 'window' => $aConversion['window'], 'status' => $aConversion['status'] ); $aFields = array_map('OX_escapeIdentifier', array_keys($aValues)); $aValues = array_map('OX_escapeString', $aValues); $query = " INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(', ', $aFields) . ") VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $aValues) . "') "; $result = OA_Dal_Delivery_query($query, 'rawDatabase'); if (!$result) { return false; } $aResult = array( 'server_conv_id' => OA_Dal_Delivery_insertId('rawDatabase', $table, 'server_conv_id'), 'server_raw_ip' => $serverRawIp ); return $aResult; } ?> MAX_Dal_Delivery_Include(); function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogConversion_logConversionVariable_Delivery_logConversionVariable($aVariables, $trackerId, $serverConvId, $serverRawIp, $okToLog=true) { if (!$okToLog) { return false; } OA_Dal_Delivery_connect('rawDatabase'); $table = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix'] . 'data_bkt_a_var'; if (empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'])) { $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW'] = time(); } $time = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['NOW']; $aRows = array(); foreach ($aVariables as $aVariable) { $aRows[] = "( '".OX_escapeString($serverConvId)."', '".OX_escapeString($serverRawIp)."', '{$aVariable['variable_id']}', '".OX_escapeString($aVariable['value'])."', '".gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time)."' )"; } if (empty($aRows)) { return; } $query = " INSERT INTO {$table} ( server_conv_id, server_ip, tracker_variable_id, value, date_time ) VALUES " . implode(',', $aRows); return OA_Dal_Delivery_query($query, 'rawDatabase'); } function Plugin_deliveryLog_OxLogImpression_LogImpression_Delivery_logImpression($adId = 0, $zoneId = 0, $okToLog = true) { $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $aData = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['deliveryData']; if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $table_prefix = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['table']['prefix']; $results=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select c.clientid,c.revenue_type,c.revenue,cl.dj_payment_method,p.deposit_amount from ".$table_prefix."campaigns as c,".$table_prefix."banners as b,".$table_prefix."clients as cl,dj_payment_details as p where b.campaignid=c.campaignid and cl.clientid=c.clientid and p.client_id = cl.clientid and b.bannerid=$adId")); $method = $results['dj_payment_method']; $id = $results['clientid']; $type = $results['revenue_type']; $amt = $results['revenue']; $damt = $results['deposit_amount']; if($type == 1) { $amount = $amt/1000; $win_bid = $amount; } else { $amount = $amt; } if($method == 1 && $type == 1) { $balance = $damt - $amount; OA_Dal_Delivery_query("update dj_payment_details set deposit_amount='".$balance."' where client_id='".$id."'"); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['request_id'])) { $request_id = $_REQUEST['request_id']; } else if(!empty($_SESSION)) { $request_id = $_SESSION['request_id']; } $select_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT revenue,revenue_type,c.exchange_id FROM ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['campaigns'])." AS c, ".OX_escapeIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'].$aConf['table']['banners'])." AS b WHERE b.bannerid='$adId' AND c.campaignid=b.campaignid"); $fetch_revenue_type = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select_revenue_type); if($fetch_revenue_type['exchange_id']>0) { $*&#$_auction=OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc(OA_Dal_Delivery_query("SELECT auction_type FROM {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_ad_exchange where exchange_id='".$fetch_revenue_type['exchange_id']."'")); $*&#$_data=explode('|',$_REQUEST['highest_bids']); if($*&#$_auction['auction_type']==1) { $win_bid =$*&#$_data[0]; } else { if(!empty($*&#$_data[1])){ $temp_data=$*&#$_data[1]+0.01;}else{$temp_data=$*&#$_data[0];} $win_bid =$temp_data; } $win_bid=$win_bid/1000; } else { if($fetch_revenue_type['revenue_type']=='1') { $win_bid = $fetch_revenue_type['revenue']/1000; } } if(!empty($win_bid)) { $select = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select a.publishershare,a.affiliateid from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}affiliates as a ,{$aConf['table']['prefix']}zones as z where z.zoneid='".$aData['zone_id']."' AND a.affiliateid=z.affiliateid ") or die("Error1"); $row = OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($select); $publishershare = $row['publishershare']; if(empty($row['publishershare'])) { $defaultShare = OA_Dal_Delivery_query("select pubshare from {$aConf['table']['prefix']}dj_admin_configuration"); if(OA_Dal_Delivery_numRows($defaultShare) > 0) { $rowShare =OA_Dal_Delivery_fetchAssoc($defaultShare); $publishershare = $rowShare['pubshare']; } } $pub_share=$win_bid*($publishershare/100); } else { $pub_share=""; } $aQuery = array( 'interval_start' => $aData['interval_start'], 'creative_id' => (int)$aData['creative_id'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aData['zone_id'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id, 'dj_win_bid' => $win_bid, 'cost' => $pub_share ); return OX_bucket_updateTable('data_bkt_m', $aQuery); } function Plugin_deliveryLog_oxLogRequest_logRequest_Delivery_logRequest($adId = 0, $zoneId = 0, $aAd = array(), $okToLog = true) { $request_id = $_SESSION['request_id']; if (!$okToLog) { return false; } $aData = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['deliveryData']; $aQuery = array( 'interval_start' => $aData['interval_start'], 'creative_id' => (int)$aData['creative_id'], 'zone_id' => (int)$aData['zone_id'], 'dj_request_id' => $request_id ); return OX_bucket_updateTable('data_bkt_r', $aQuery); } ?>

Edited by matteo.rossi
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No error reported.. just the screen pasted above.

It's something about Banner Delivery Logging Plugin (version 1.1.2).

Is it compatible with AdServer version 4.1.4?

- - - @Ian vM

Some extract of install log (where upgrade crashes during plugin check / migration)


Starting file-check for plugins...

Plugin: openXBannerTypes - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXDeliveryLimitations - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openX3rdPartyServers - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXReports - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXDeliveryCacheStore - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXMaxMindGeoIP - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXInvocationTags - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXDeliveryLog - Unable to locate XML files

Plugin: openXVideoAds - Unable to locate XML files

Finished file-check for plugins

Starting file-check for plugins...

Finished file-check for plugins

#! openXBannerTypes(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXBannerTypes(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXDeliveryLimitations(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openX3rdPartyServers(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXMaxMindGeoIP(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

#! openXInvocationTags(): PLUGIN DEPENDENCY PROBLEM: : unable to determine dependencies for daastInlineBannerTypeHtml - could not locate definition at 

Edited by matteo.rossi
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