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When we load the Banners content we got the following error message

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function deliverVastAd(),
 11 passed in /var/adserver/plugins/bannerTypeHtml/vastInlineBannerTypeHtml/vastInlineHtml.delivery.php
 on line 65 and exactly 12 expected in
 /var/adserver/plugins/bannerTypeHtml/vastInlineBannerTypeHtml/commonDelivery.php:23 Stack trace:

deliverVastAd('vastInline', Array, 0, '', '', true, false, false, NULL, '', '')
(Array, 0, '', '', true, false, false, NULL, true, '', '')
/var/adserver/lib/max/Delivery/adRender.php(108): OX_Delivery_Common_hook('adRender', Array, 'Plugin_bannerTy...')

#3 /var/adserver/lib/max/other/html.php(1528): MAX_adRender(Array, 0, '', '_blank', '', true, '', false, false)

#4 /var/adserver/www/admin/campaign-banners.php(185): MAX_bannerPreview('1149')

#5 {main} thrown in /var/adserver/plugins/bannerTypeHtml/vastInlineBannerTypeHtml/commonDelivery.php on line 23


But our case is "Too few arguments to function deliverVastAd()" when loading some Ad info.

According to above log, the "function" expect 12 arguments but our program only loaded 11 arguments.

Can you help us to fix this problem ?


We fixed this problem as this /var/adserver/plugins/bannerTypeHtml/vastInlineBannerTypeHtml/vastInlineHtml.delivery.php

at line 65 change to

return deliverVastAd('vastInline', $aBanner, $zoneId, $source, $ct0, $withText, $logClick, $logView, $useAlt,$richMedia=true, $loc, $referer);


Anyone has this experience. Is it any impact ?

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