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I am a newby to Ad server and could not locate this information in my documentation [online] or in the forums.

Please tell me if it it possible to extend the audit trail presentation from the 1 week [default?] to a longer period, like 1 month.

Thank you for your help


Hi @mshuwal,

Interesting question! I certainly don't see anything in the configuration files that suggests there's a setting that would allow this to be configured.

Are you actually seeing that the audit trail is being pruned, and that old audit trail information is being deleted?


Good morning Andrew, 

Thank you for responding to my question. Regarding the "pruning" I only see a week's worth of activity under the audit trail. That is why I made the assumption that there is a 1-week limit to the amount of activity described. However, in "researching [read: "fishing around"]  I went into the User Log for the client and was able to find an audit trail of activity that met my needs for the question I had. [In other words, I got lucky :-) ].

Again, Thank you for responding.



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