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Hey, I have problems with the number of impressions showed in the Revive Adserver and the number of impressions from my publisher. There is a difference of 5 milion of impressions.

Now, I have to complete a report from their service provider (DFP).

One of the questions is talking about the filtered impressions of my third party..

What filtering methodology has Revive Adserver?

It is a chance that the impressions (deemed valid by DFP) might get filtered out by the Revive Adserver?

Thank you.


From your message, it sounds like there is a discrepancy between the statistics in DFP (which is just an ad server, not a "service provider") and your own Revive Adserver.

It is not uncommon that two ad servers have different numbers. If the difference is less than a few percent, it is normally accepted to be just 'noise'.

To answer your question: No, Revive Adserver does not do any sort of filtering out of the box. It is possible to configure it to ignore things you think are invalid, or that are perhaps internal traffic, but I doubt you're using that feature at all.

Can you please clarify what you mean by "filtered impressions of my third party"?


Hello, thanks for your reply.

The difference of impressions between Revive Adserver and my publisher is huge .I have 7 milions and they have 12 milions.

It happened before to see differences..like 100k or 200k..which was okay..but now is huge.

"Filtered impressions of my third party" => here's what they said: "Also, please verify the filtered impression numbers from the third party, as there are chances when the impressions (deemed valid by DFP) might get filtered out by third party. This is because all the ad servers have different filtering methodologies."

It is clear? Because more than this, I cannot help you..I'm not able to do it, unfortunately...

Hope to be clear.

Thank you


Hey Erik,

This question was different from today's question.

Today I talked about that big discrepancy, but I asked how Revive ad server is counting impressions. Also, I asked for help.. I want to find out if the problem could be in my campaigns or in Revive, or they have a problem..

Can you kindly help me please?

Thank you.


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