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I have just performed an upgrade from 3.1 to 4.0 and found out the directions of your article:

Upgrading Revive Adserverhttps://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/

Is somehow not accurate and there is some room for improvement.

Point 2. says:

2. Run the upgrade wizard

After the database changes have been completed, the upgrade wizard will display the folder path of the ‘old’ copy of the ad server.

Well... it turns out that there was just an empty field, actually asking for such path:

Upgrading to Revive Adserver 4.0.0
Configuration settings
Provide the path to your previous Revive Adserver installation.
Path to previous Revive Adserver installation *

And then I had to guess what path, either a relative one, an absolute one, etc.

Every time I typed a wrong path, there was an error message:

One or more plugin files couln't be located, check the install.log file for more information

Which is somewhat confusing because at first you may think the error has to do with plugins, which is NOT the case. It would be more useful to see a *wrong path* error or something like that. :)

Thanks to another thread, I found out I had to type the absolute path to such directory. For cPanel based servers, it would be something like:


Of course just replace cpanel_username with your cPanel user account (username) and replace revive with the name of the directory of your Revive installation.


Posted (edited)

The upgrade instructions are correct , if you follow them and if your server meets the requirements, the path to the old version will be displayed as a default.

I will include a note in the instructions, though, to inform readers that it must be the absolute folder on the server (and also not a url). 

Update: the upgrade instructions have been edited to include a note about the path.

Edited by Erik Geurts

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