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We are having trouble tracking clicks from html banners. We receive data only for impressions. Here is a sample banner files and the code used in the server:




 style="border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden;" 
    frameborder="0" src="http://ox.adffiliate.bg/extern/gala-201608/dama.bg/gala-banner-960-200.html">


Yes, this is an ongoing issue. Revive Adserver is an open source product, while 3rd part ad networks are often huge companies, who like to change the way their tags work on a regular basis. This makes keeping up with changes to tags nearly impossible, and indeed, often tags are designed to make it hard (or impossible) for products like Revive Adserver to track the clicks.

It may be that in fact, we need to update Revive Adserver to stop even trying, because it fails so often....

Sorry, not a lot we can do about this.

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