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Does Revive Adserver Affect Google Adsense Targeting Functions


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I wonder if using google adsense (or other ad network) trough revive adserver will affect the targeting functions of Google adsense (or other network). In other words, does the request to the google adserver comes from the website on which the ads will displayed or it comes from my revive adserver? For exemple, my revive adserver is hosted in Montréal, Canada. If a person from Paris visit it, does the request to the google adserver will be made from Paris (where the user is) or it will be made from Montreal (where the revive adserver is) ?
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Hi jeepm,
You have raised two clarification questions,

1) When an Ad is delivered, whether the request goes directly from Revive Adserver or through Google Adsense?
    The process goes as: in Publisher's website the script call request goes to Revive Adserver, revive adserver returns Google Adsense code(Response recieved from Google Adsense) and from there to Google Adsense. From Google Adsense the Ad will be displayed.
2) By configuring geomaxmind database, the information about user country from were call goes will be tracked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder if using google adsense (or other ad network) trough revive adserver will affect the targeting functions of Google adsense (or other network). 


No; the Google Adsense (or other network) targeting will not be affected. Google (and just about every other network) uses JavaScript-based tags. While Revive Adserver can deliver these (and add/modify as required to ensure that it can track impressions & clicks), in the end, the JavaScript will be executed by the user's web browser, on their computer; the fact that you are using Revive to deliver the JS code in the first place has no effect at all on what the tag does; as a result, any geo or other form or targeting or logic that the ad network implements in their system is unaffected.

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