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I know that the instructions for upgrade requires to make a copy on a subfolder and using a different database for it. 

I would like to be able to upgrade the server without that step, but I am not sure if this will work.

The main issue is that I am using a managed server with only one database so it is not that easy to copy the info.

I am not sure if the plugins step can be done manually:

" After the database changes have been completed, the upgrade wizard will display the folder path of the ‘old’ copy of the ad server. Since we’re actually working in a temporary folder, this should in fact be the folder path of the current, live version of the system. Check and confirm that the path is correct. The upgrade wizard will now find out which plugins are installed in the current version and then install the same set of plugins in the new version. During this step, it will even check if there are any new versions of any of the plugins and if so, it will install those instead of the older versions. Some plugins will actually create or update tables for their own use. "



I wrote those instructions, and I'll try to give you some guidance for your case. To start: no, you can not currently do any step of the upgrade process manually. It'll have to be completed as one integral process.

There is a distinction between using a separate folder for the software files involved in the upgrade, and using a copied database.

The reason I recommended using a copy of the database is because it means the 'live' ad server will continue to work while you're doing the upgrade on the copy. Also, it means it is very simple to revert in case something doesn't work as expected.

You can use the live database, but I do recommend making a proper backup before you start!

I'd still recommend putting the new version of the software in a separate file folder "new", so that you can do that rename trick and still refer to the previous version of the software.


Hi Erik, 

Thank you for your fast reply. 

What I am doing is cloning the whole instance so the server will be working too when I am doing the upgrade.

So, once I have a new install to work with, copy again the folder seems a little too much for me. :)






I am not sure if the reason is that I have not change the database, but I cannot make the upgrade to launch from the "new" folder. 
I have double check everything on the steps and appart of the database clone everything is like the guide says it should be. 

I have tried deleting everything and start over more than 4 times right now. 

Is there anything to change on the config files if the database is not changing?

Any other ideas?


I think I found the issue, there was a problem with my upload and some files were missing on the new version.

testing again! Wish me luck! 

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