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Hi All,

I have implemented revive ads server and am using a zone to show rotating banners on my sites home page. All is working fine but issue is if I leave the home page open for some time, after some time banner is not displayed and I see grey area.

Now I am not sure how to debug this and if its a network related issue than how to get it resolved so that I always have a banner displayed on my site.

Need urgent help on this.


10 hours ago, giantstep said:

I'm posting here because the topic coincides with my issue. 

I have two banners set up to one zone. They are not rotating, unless I refresh the page. I do not have"yes" selected for "don't show the banner again on the same page". Am I missing something here?

You can see the issue here: http://tinyurl.com/yfc2n9l

@giantstep  You need to use the Iframe invocation code for a zone in order to show the rotating banners. Also when generating invocation code for that zone you need to set the "Refresh after" parameter in Tag settings to number of seconds you want to refresh the banner. Hope this Helps.

@Erik Geurts  By rotating banners I mean I have a zone where I use the Iframe invocation code with refresh interval as 30 seconds. I have three banners linked to this zone. Everything works fine. Banners are shown and they refresh also (means change) after 30 seconds without reloading the page. But the issue is that If I leave the page open for sometime and than visit the tab again I see greyed area where the banner should be actually. Now I have no clue if this is a network issue or adserver issue. I need a way to debug it and fix this error. Any help will be appreciated a lot.




22 hours ago, Vishan said:

But the issue is that If I leave the page open for sometime and than visit the tab again I see greyed area where the banner should be actually. Now I have no clue if this is a network issue or adserver issue. I need a way to debug it and fix this error.

Could be many things, hard to diagnose based on this brief description. How long is "some time"? An hour, a day, a week? Either way, it would be atypical for a real visitor to keep a tab open for that long, so I wouldn't worry about it.

See also https://www.revive-adserver.com/faq/troubleshooting-banner-delivery/

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