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{MODULEPATH} like for www/images


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I'm trying to build a little plugin to add some addLayer styles.

(I'd like to do this to just have the zip to send after each revive upgrade, and better understanding revive-adserver plugins system)


Here is my files node inside the xml

        <file path="{MODULEPATH}invocationTags/oxInvocationTags/layerstyles/phsite/">invocation.inc.php</file>
        <file path="{MODULEPATH}invocationTags/oxInvocationTags/layerstyles/phsite/">layerstyle.inc.php</file>
        <file path="{MODULEPATH}invocationTags/oxInvocationTags/layerstyles/phsite/">close_pop_mini.png</file>
        <file path="www/images/layerstyles/phsite/">close_pop_mini.png</file>

I would like close_pop_min.png be available inside www/images/layerstyles/phsite/ but if I use  <file path="www/images/layerstyles/phsite/">close_pop_mini.png</file>

extension install script check says me : Illegal file location found : www/images/layerstyles/phsite/close_pop_mini.png

And when it's inside {MODULEPATH}invocationTags/oxInvocationTags/layerstyles/phsite/  it's not allowed to access it via url because of .htaccess

Is there a way to add some files inside www/images ?

I saw the is {ADMINPATH} for www/admin  but my file is not related to admin for me ..


( Sorry for my poor english :/)


Edited by yannux
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