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Unable To Upgrade 2.8 To 3.0.2

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I am trying to upgrade my openx to newset version. 


On link /www/admin/install.php aplication is returning error Fatal error: Cannot use object of type MDB2_Error as array in /home/foo/htdocs/newRevive/lib/pear/MDB2/Driver/Reverse/mysql.php on line 100


after commenting that line out I can see the install wizard, but receving error 


  1. - database integrity check detected problems with the database
  2. - 279 fields to change





Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. phpAdsNew) installation...
PAN not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.1) installation...
MMM v0.1 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.3) installation...
MMM v0.3 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing OpenX installation...
schema file found: /home/foo/htdocs/newRevive/etc/changes/schema_tables_core_613.xml
schema definition from cache TRUE
successfully parsed the schema
schema name: openads
schema version: 613
schema status: final
running integrity check
comparing database Ads_mama with schema /home/foo/htdocs/newRevive/etc/changes/schema_tables_core_613.xml
column definition does not match: accounts.account_type
column definition does not match: acls.logical
column definition does not match: acls_channel.logical
column definition does not match: ad_category_assoc.ad_category_assoc_id
column definition does not match: affiliates.name
column definition does not match: affiliates_extra.city
column definition does not match: agency.name
column definition does not match: application_variable.name
column definition does not match: audit.context
column definition does not match: banners.filename
column definition does not match: campaigns.campaignname
column definition does not match: campaigns_trackers.status
column definition does not match: category.category_id
column definition does not match: channel.name
column definition does not match: clients.clientname
column definition does not match: data_intermediate_ad.operation_interval
column definition does not match: data_intermediate_ad_connection.server_raw_ip
column definition does not match: data_intermediate_ad_variable_value.value
column definition does not match: data_raw_ad_click.viewer_id
column definition does not match: data_raw_ad_impression.viewer_id
column definition does not match: data_raw_ad_request.viewer_id
column definition does not match: data_raw_tracker_impression.server_raw_ip
column definition does not match: data_raw_tracker_variable_value.server_raw_ip
column definition does not match: data_summary_ad_hourly.ad_id
column definition does not match: data_summary_ad_zone_assoc.operation_interval
column definition does not match: data_summary_channel_daily.channel_id
column definition does not match: data_summary_zone_impression_history.operation_interval
column definition does not match: images.filename
column definition does not match: log_maintenance_priority.run_type
column definition does not match: password_recovery.user_type
column definition does not match: preferences.preference_name
column definition does not match: session.sessionid
column definition does not match: trackers.trackername
column definition does not match: users.contact_name
column definition does not match: variables.variableid
column definition does not match: zones.zonename
table is not part of schema: banner_vast_element
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_a
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_a_var
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_c
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_m
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_r
table is not part of schema: data_bkt_vast_e
table is not part of schema: database_action
table is not part of schema: ext_market_advertiser
table is not part of schema: ext_market_assoc_data
table is not part of schema: ext_market_campaign_pref
table is not part of schema: ext_market_general_pref
table is not part of schema: ext_market_plugin_variable
table is not part of schema: ext_market_setting
table is not part of schema: ext_market_stats
table is not part of schema: ext_market_web_stats
table is not part of schema: ext_market_website_pref
table is not part of schema: stats_vast
table is not part of schema: upgrade_action
to version: 613
timing: constructive
target database: Ads_mama
table prefix: ox_
successfully initialised DB Upgrade
verifying/creating constructive tasklist
checking field: ox_accounts account_type
found field account_type
checking field: ox_accounts account_name
found field account_name
checking field: ox_accounts m2m_password
found field m2m_password
checking field: ox_accounts m2m_ticket
found field m2m_ticket
checking field: ox_acls logical
found field logical
checking field: ox_acls type
found field type
checking field: ox_acls comparison
found field comparison
checking field: ox_acls executionorder
found field executionorder
checking field: ox_acls_channel logical
found field logical
checking field: ox_acls_channel type
found field type
checking field: ox_acls_channel comparison
found field comparison
checking field: ox_acls_channel executionorder
found field executionorder
checking field: ox_ad_category_assoc ad_category_assoc_id
found field ad_category_assoc_id
checking field: ox_ad_category_assoc category_id
found field category_id
checking field: ox_ad_category_assoc ad_id
found field ad_id
checking field: ox_affiliates name
found field name
checking field: ox_affiliates mnemonic
found field mnemonic
checking field: ox_affiliates contact
found field contact
checking field: ox_affiliates email
found field email
checking field: ox_affiliates website
found field website
checking field: ox_affiliates oac_country_code
found field oac_country_code
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra city
found field city
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra postcode
found field postcode
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra country
found field country
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra phone
found field phone
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra fax
found field fax
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra account_contact
found field account_contact
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found field tax_id
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra mode_of_payment
found field mode_of_payment
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra currency
found field currency
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra category
found field category
checking field: ox_affiliates_extra help_file
found field help_file
checking field: ox_agency name
found field name
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found field contact
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found field context
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found field imageurl
checking field: ox_banners target
found field target
checking field: ox_banners alt
found field alt
checking field: ox_banners statustext
found field statustext
checking field: ox_banners description
found field description
checking field: ox_banners adserver
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checking field: ox_banners alt_filename
found field alt_filename
checking field: ox_banners alt_imageurl
found field alt_imageurl
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checking field: ox_campaigns campaignname
found field campaignname
checking field: ox_campaigns revenue
found field revenue
checking field: ox_campaigns ecpm
found field ecpm
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found field status
checking field: ox_category category_id
found field category_id
checking field: ox_category name
found field name
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found field name
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checking field: ox_clients clientname
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click ip_address
found field ip_address
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click host_name
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click country
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click page
found field page
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click query
found field query
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click referer
found field referer
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click search_term
found field search_term
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click user_agent
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click os
found field os
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click browser
found field browser
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_city
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_postal_code
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_latitude
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_longitude
found field geo_longitude
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_dma_code
found field geo_dma_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_area_code
found field geo_area_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_organisation
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_netspeed
found field geo_netspeed
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_click geo_continent
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression viewer_id
found field viewer_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression viewer_session_id
found field viewer_session_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression ad_id
found field ad_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression creative_id
found field creative_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression channel
found field channel
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression channel_ids
found field channel_ids
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression language
found field language
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression ip_address
found field ip_address
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression host_name
found field host_name
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression country
found field country
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression domain
found field domain
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression page
found field page
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression query
found field query
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression referer
found field referer
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found field user_agent
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression os
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found field browser
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_region
found field geo_region
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_city
found field geo_city
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_postal_code
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_latitude
found field geo_latitude
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_longitude
found field geo_longitude
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_dma_code
found field geo_dma_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_area_code
found field geo_area_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_organisation
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_netspeed
found field geo_netspeed
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_impression geo_continent
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request viewer_id
found field viewer_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request viewer_session_id
found field viewer_session_id
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request creative_id
found field creative_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request channel
found field channel
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request channel_ids
found field channel_ids
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request language
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request ip_address
found field ip_address
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request host_name
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request domain
found field domain
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request page
found field page
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request query
found field query
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request referer
found field referer
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request search_term
found field search_term
checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request user_agent
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request os
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checking field: ox_data_raw_ad_request browser
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found field server_raw_ip
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression viewer_id
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression viewer_session_id
found field viewer_session_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression tracker_id
found field tracker_id
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression channel
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression channel_ids
found field channel_ids
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression language
found field language
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression ip_address
found field ip_address
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression host_name
found field host_name
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression country
found field country
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression https
found field https
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression domain
found field domain
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression query
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression search_term
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression user_agent
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression os
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression browser
found field browser
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression max_https
found field max_https
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_region
found field geo_region
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_city
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checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_postal_code
found field geo_postal_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_latitude
found field geo_latitude
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_longitude
found field geo_longitude
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_dma_code
found field geo_dma_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_area_code
found field geo_area_code
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_organisation
found field geo_organisation
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_netspeed
found field geo_netspeed
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_impression geo_continent
found field geo_continent
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_variable_value server_raw_ip
found field server_raw_ip
checking field: ox_data_raw_tracker_variable_value value
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checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly ad_id
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found field creative_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly requests
found field requests
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly impressions
found field impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly clicks
found field clicks
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly conversions
found field conversions
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly total_basket_value
found field total_basket_value
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly total_revenue
found field total_revenue
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly total_cost
found field total_cost
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_hourly total_techcost
found field total_techcost
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc operation_interval
found field operation_interval
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc operation_interval_id
found field operation_interval_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc ad_id
found field ad_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc required_impressions
found field required_impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc requested_impressions
found field requested_impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc created_by
found field created_by
checking field: ox_data_summary_ad_zone_assoc expired_by
found field expired_by
checking field: ox_data_summary_channel_daily channel_id
found field channel_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_channel_daily zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_channel_daily forecast_impressions
found field forecast_impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_channel_daily actual_impressions
found field actual_impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history operation_interval
found field operation_interval
checking field: ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history operation_interval_id
found field operation_interval_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history zone_id
found field zone_id
checking field: ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history forecast_impressions
found field forecast_impressions
checking field: ox_data_summary_zone_impression_history actual_impressions
found field actual_impressions
checking field: ox_images filename
found field filename
checking field: ox_images contents
found field contents
checking field: ox_log_maintenance_priority run_type
found field run_type
checking field: ox_password_recovery user_type
found field user_type
checking field: ox_password_recovery recovery_id
found field recovery_id
checking field: ox_preferences preference_name
found field preference_name
checking field: ox_preferences account_type
found field account_type
checking field: ox_session sessionid
found field sessionid
checking field: ox_trackers trackername
found field trackername
checking field: ox_trackers description
found field description
checking field: ox_trackers status
found field status
checking field: ox_trackers type
found field type
checking field: ox_users contact_name
found field contact_name
checking field: ox_users email_address
found field email_address
checking field: ox_users username
found field username
checking field: ox_users password
found field password
checking field: ox_users language
found field language
checking field: ox_variables variableid
found field variableid
checking field: ox_variables name
found field name
checking field: ox_variables description
found field description
checking field: ox_variables reject_if_empty
found field reject_if_empty
checking field: ox_variables variablecode
found field variablecode
checking field: ox_zones zonename
found field zonename
checking field: ox_zones description
found field description
checking field: ox_zones cost
found field cost
checking field: ox_zones cost_variable_id
found field cost_variable_id
checking field: ox_zones technology_cost
found field technology_cost
checking field: ox_zones rate
found field rate
checking field: ox_zones pricing
found field pricing
checking field: ox_zones ext_adselection
found field ext_adselection
#! database integrity check detected problems with the database
#! 279 fields to change


any ideas?


thank you

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It also looks to me like at some point in the past, you have managed to install OpenX twice into the one database?


So, if you look in your database, for example, do you see both a table called "acls" and one called "ox_acls"? (It looks like all the OpenX tables are duplicated, from the above error - each being there with and without an ox_ prefix.)


This is likely to cause all kinds of issues and confusion for the upgrade system! If you're able to make sure you have a good clean backup of your database, and then figure out which tables are valid, and remove the invalid ones, that would possibly help with some of the errors above.

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  • 2 weeks later...



sorry for the late reply. 


Rather than commenting it out, try to var_dump the content and see what error you've got.


$db->datatype->mapNativeDatatype($column) returned this


[error_message_prefix] =>   [mode] => 1   [level] => 1024  
 => -6   [message] => MDB2 Error: not supported   [userinfo] => _mapNativeDatatype: [Error message: unknown database attribute type: varbinary]   [Last executed query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ox_accounts` LIKE 'account_type']   [Native code: 0]



It also looks to me like at some point in the past, you have managed to install OpenX twice into the one database?


So, if you look in your database, for example, do you see both a table called "acls" and one called "ox_acls"? (It looks like all the OpenX tables are duplicated, from the above error - each being there with and without an ox_ prefix.)


This is likely to cause all kinds of issues and confusion for the upgrade system! If you're able to make sure you have a good clean backup of your database, and then figure out which tables are valid, and remove the invalid ones, that would possibly help with some of the errors above.


Sadly I didn`t managed this installation until recently, but there are no duplcites in my DB as far as I can see.


Any sugestions how to save this install?

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