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I have installed Revive Adserver and added a standard HTML ad banner. The HTML loads the href attribute of the <a> tags with ajax.

var a_article = $('<a />', { 
		  href:  locationUri,
		  target: '_blank'

In the reports i see impressions of the banner but no clicks.


In an other topic I've read "Revive Adserver has a click URL macro which is {clickurl}. All you need is to put that before that target URL". But it would open a link {clickurl}(http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/39042348-0ec1-11e5-8aca-00144feabdc0.html)


How to track clicks for the HTML banner?

Thanks in advance!

  • 3 months later...

Hi vokopeti,

It looks to me like your HTML banner is more of a JavaScript banner! In which case, Revive Adserver probably can't track the clicks at all (as the product currently stands).

Does it work if you just use a plain HTML banner, where the anchor tag is in the HTML? 


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