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first Id like to take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone involved in Revive. During this short time several of the pain-points with the old OpenX ad server have been resolved. Thank you. :)

When upgrading Revive from one version to another we use the process that is outlined here: http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/ In general it is very clear and easy to follow, however, every time we try to perform an upgrade something goes wrong with the plugins. They either end up uninstalled, broken or disabled, depending on what I try to do. (I'm afraid I don't really remember what I try between upgrades, the upgrades are usually quite stressful as some of the advertises strongly dislikes downtime.)

We are using both some of the built in plugins as well as third party plugins.

How are we supposed to handle the plugins (and third party plugins) during upgrade? Are we supposed to put the third party plugin zip files in some special directory? Should the zip files be unpacked? Should some files be copied from the old install directory to the new one?


Any plugin correctly installed in the 'old' version is supposed to be migrated to the 'new' version automatically during an upgrade procedure. There is no need for any special preparations.


Never manually copy anything from the old to the new folder, this should be taken care of by the upgrade wizard.


The upgrade process described at http://www.revive-adserver.com/support/upgrading/ should result in zero 'down time', but it might result in a bit of missing statistics.


In order to fully understand what happens when you see problems with plugins during upgrades, we'll need more information from you.




and thank you for responding. I really appreciate your help with this.


Just now I attempted an upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2, but the install log gives me error messages about missing plugin files, so I aborted the attempt.


Im attaching the install log..

Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. phpAdsNew) installation...
PAN not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.1) installation...
MMM v0.1 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing Openads (aka. Max Media Manager 0.3) installation...
MMM v0.3 not detected
Attempting to detect an existing OpenX installation...
OpenX 3.0.0 detected
This version can be upgraded
Starting file-check for plugins...
Plugin: openXMaxMindGeoIP - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXBannerTypes - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryLimitations - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openX3rdPartyServers - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXReports - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryCacheStore - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXInvocationTags - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryLog - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: apDashboard - Unable to locate XML files
Finished file-check for plugins
Starting file-check for plugins...
Finished file-check for plugins
Starting file-check for plugins...
Plugin: openXMaxMindGeoIP - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXBannerTypes - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryLimitations - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openX3rdPartyServers - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXReports - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryCacheStore - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXInvocationTags - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: openXDeliveryLog - Unable to locate XML files
Plugin: apDashboard - Unable to locate XML files
Finished file-check for plugins
Starting file-check for plugins...
Finished file-check for plugins

And the upgrade process is done exactly like this:


#create a temporary directory, fetch the new tarball, unpack it.
cd /tmp
rm -rf openx_new
mkdir openx_new
cd openx_new
wget -qnv http://download.revive-adserver.com/revive-adserver-$version.tar.gz > /dev/null
tar -xzf revive-adserver-$version.tar.gz --strip-components=1
rm revive-adserver-$version.tar.gz
cd /tmp

#move the files to somewhere thats accessible over http..
rm -rf ${installdir}/www/openx_new
mv /tmp/openx_new ${installdir}/www/openx_new
cp -a ${installdir}/var/${mydomain}.conf.php ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/${mydomain}.conf.php
touch ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/NOBACKUPS
chown -R openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/

# create a symlink to to images directory for the new installation
rm -rf ${installdir}/www/openx_new/www/images
ln -s ${imagesdir} ${installdir}/www/openx_new/www/images

echo "visit the openx_new/www/admin/install.php script in a browser and run it"
read x

#do a bit of lock down..
chown -RhP root:root ${installdir}/www/openx_new
chown -h openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/www/images
chown -R openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/cache
chown -R openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/templates_compiled
rm -rf ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/tmp
mkdir ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/tmp
chown -R openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/var/tmp
rm -f openx:openx ${installdir}/www/openx_new/www/admin/install.php

#and go live with the new install
rm -rf ${basedir}/openx_old
mv ${installdir} ${basedir}/openx_old
mv ${basedir}/openx_old/www/openx_new ${installdir}

And we are running this on a debian server with nginx and php-fpm. Our php version is 5.3.


Is there any other details you need to know?

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