Revive Adserver Forum Posted April 8, 2015 Report Posted April 8, 2015 The Revive Adserver project team is proud to announce the availability of a Beta release of the Revive Adserver software. Were asking members of the community to help us test this beta release of version 3.2.0, with focus on the following topics: Asynchronous Javascript tagsWere very proud to finally be able to offer support for Asynchronous Javascript tags. In short, these tags work in such a way that any delay in the adserver itself, will no longer cause a delay in the rendering of the webpage on which the tags are placed.The new Asynchronous tags can be generated just as easily as before, by going to the Invocation Code tab of any zone. A new type of code will be presented when running the v3.2.0 beta: Creating invocation code for the new Asynchronous JS tags Weve tested the asynchronous tags in a variety of scenarios, but we might have missed a few. Wed like to ask the menbers of the community to test their banners with existing third party ad tags in combination with the new async tags. Do the third party ads work correctly when served via Revive Adserver onto a webpage? Likewise, wed like to ask you to verify if the asynchronous tags, when trafficked into a third party ad server down the line, work correctly. Language and translationsA lot of work went into a clean-up of the English language files of the product. At the same time, weve started a large scale translation project (see the recent blog post Translations for Revive Adserver). It is not unlikely that one or more or the English text lines have unknowingly been removed, but are still in use.You would recognize this from a strange looking placeholder text instead of the actual text you used to see in a screen, a field label, an explanation, a mouse-over, or anywhere else in the user interface.At the same time, a translator may have accidentally introduced something in a translation that breaks the user interface (for example, a line break was introduced or a special character that is not properly displayed). Delivery of contract campaignsVersion 3.1 (released in December 2014) introduced a set of fixes related to the correct and full delivery of contract campaigns. In this version 3.2.0-beta, weve fine-tuned this code even more to take better care of situations where the ad server is running in time zones with a positive offset from UTC. We thank community member Victor (Rhapsodyv) for this contribution to the project. We would like to ask members of the community to test delivery of contract campaigns. Of course, we would welcome any feedback on any of the other changes, improvements and fixes as detailed in the release notes below. How to test this beta release? Version 3.2.0-beta can now be downloaded and tested by the community. The purpose of the beta testing phase is to allow users and developers to thoroughly test the new version before it will be released as a stable version. If the beta testing phase proceeds according to plan, we intend to publish the official version 3.2.0 two weeks after the beta release. We recommend that users do not upgrade their existing ad server installations if it is mission critical, or if they are uncertain about their abilities to deal with bugs, upgrade issues, or other unexpected problems. Please make sure to study the release notes below, including the notes on non-backwards compatible changes. Whats New in Revive Adserver version 3.2.0-beta? Version 3.2.0-beta of Revive Adserver does not include any security updates. We have included the following new features and improvements: Added new Javascript based asynchronous tags. Added new help dialogue for companion positioning option. Integrated (most) translations with Crowdin. Added plugin hooks to the VAST events in the VideoAds plugin. Added preliminary support for PHP7. Version 3.2.0-beta introduces a number of non-backwards compatible changes: Fixed issue with interstitial images (e.g. close.gif) always using http:// even when the request came via https. Fixed issue with interstitial layers showing even when no matching banner was found, since the introduction of blank logging. Fixed issue that prevented the error message screen to be displayed when trying to install or run Revive Adserver with some required functions disabled via php.ini. Fixed issue causing campaign revenue to be improperly parsed when using a number format different than nnnn.nn. Fixed a problem with the destination URL not being available for new overlay video ads, and potentially other HTML-based custom banner types. Fixed the size of the search popup window under Chrome. Fixed missing translation string from statistics screens for conversions. Fixed issue preventing contract campaigns to reach their daily target when TZ had a negative offset. Fixed a problem with Export Statistics to Excel not working on some platforms. Version 3.2.0-beta introduces a number of non-backwards compatible changes: The signatures of bannerTypeHtml/Texts preprocessForm() and processForm() methods has been updated to what was actually used when invoking them. Albeit unlikely, this might clash with the definition used in some custom plugins. The full list of changes included in version 3.2.0-beta can be reviewed on the projects Github pages. Download, install and upgrade Revive Adserver v3.2.0 Beta is now available for download. Once downloaded, please refer to the instructions for Installations of Revive Adserver or for Upgrading Revive Adserver. Make sure that the server(s) being used meet the minimum technical requirements. View the full article Richard Foley 1
Erik Geurts Posted April 13, 2015 Report Posted April 13, 2015 April 10 2015 update A bug was reported by community member Pedro-Miguel. Many thanks for the detailed report! The bug report prompted us to re-package the downloadable files on Friday, April 10, around 10 AM UTC. This affects only those users who have upgraded from a previous version to v3.2.0-beta using the files downloaded prior to this fix. If youve downloaded the beta release before that time, please see the Github issue and comments for instructions on how to fix the issue.
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