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Ie 11 Issues


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We recently upgraded to Revive. Our site is ad intensive (showpig.com) and anyone attempting to load our home page gets a "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" error when using IE 11. Before our upgrade, it worked. I know it is an ads issue because pages without ads can be loaded. All other browsers function. Anyone else with this issue? Any suggestions or fixes I can try.

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Adding to the issue above, we have debugged the adcode and seems like if we comment out setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain); in /ads/www/delivery/alocal.php, at line no. 427. everything works perfectly,in IE.

function MAX_cookieClientCookieSet($name, $value, $expire, $path = '/', $domain = null)
 if (isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType']) && $GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType'] == 'xmlrpc') {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'])) {
$GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'][$name] = array($value, $expire);
} else {
@setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain); //if we comment this then the page renders perfectly in IE

being a core file we are not sure weather to make any change to this file or not, Any Help would be greately appreciated.


NOTE: the current code i.e [without commenting the setcoockie, page is working fine in FF, Chrome but not in IE]

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I had a look at the site and I'm sorry to say that you might not using the right tool for the job. A custom application or wordpress/drupal/etc module would probably serve your purpose better than a proper adserver can do.


That said, try to disable the cookie based fatures (e.g. delivery capping/blocking) and see if that helps.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having a similar issue with IE 11  and ajs.php. It contains the same function. My invocation code for ads doesn't render ads for IE 11 users. 


 cat /var/www/html/adserver/www/delivery/ajs.php | grep setcookie -A 10 -B 10
function MAX_cookieClientCookieSet($name, $value, $expire, $path = '/', $domain = null)
 if (isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType']) && $GLOBALS['_OA']['invocationType'] == 'xmlrpc') {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'])) {
$GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'] = array();
$GLOBALS['_OA']['COOKIE']['XMLRPC_CACHE'][$name] = array($value, $expire);
} else {
@setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain);
function MAX_cookieClientCookieUnset($name)
$conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
$domain = (!empty($conf['cookie']['domain'])) ? $conf['cookie']['domain'] : null;
MAX_cookieSet($name, false, _getTimeYearAgo(), '/', $domain);
MAX_cookieSet(str_replace('_', '%5F', urlencode($name)), false, _getTimeYearAgo(), '/', $domain);
function MAX_cookieClientCookieFlush()
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The function you are calling has an ampersand in front of it.

@setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain);

According to the docs. (forgive me if this is obvious), this will silence any PHP errors:




It might be an idea to remove the @ sign, and see if you get any more information, which might prove useful in discovering what the problem might be.

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