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Steps to reproduce the vulnerability:

Different kinds of ads are shown on one of sites and clicking on them redirect one to the respective website.
But this redirection isn't properly sanitized and this link(s) are using for for redirecting to anysite(s) including phishing and spam site(s) which caused harm like redirecting to phishing login page.

here I used ad.example.com

01. Clicking on any ad opens a new link
For me it is http://ad.example.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=14__zoneid=6__cb=1e354023f6__oadest=http://www.yahoo.com
Here we see that ck.php has multiple parameter.


02. the last parameter for ck.php is "oadest=" (excluding the " )


03. There in oadest parameter an URL is given. We can put any URL there and it will be redirect to that
It redirect(s) to Google


04. Now I tried to see what happens if I remove oadest parameter.
If I remove that the link is redirected to the correct site


05. And then I tried what happens if the remove all the parameter except oadest
and it is redirecting to Google once again.


06. I think it can be more serious if we try with ../ it redirects to admin panel

Now this vulnerability has been used to do phishing and spam attack saying that it is a link form corosponding website and it is trusted then it asking for login to a phishing site.

Please provide us a fix of it ASAP.


Thanks for the report. It is a known issue, since many years actually. The problem is that the oadest parameter is required for certain functionalities to work, and to this day no solution has been found that allows it while making it safer. I have spent myself numerous hours on it but I couldn't come up with anything good enough.


If you have a working solution, we'd be happy to review it and apply it.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the report. It is a known issue, since many years actually. The problem is that the oadest parameter is required for certain functionalities to work, and to this day no solution has been found that allows it while making it safer. I have spent myself numerous hours on it but I couldn't come up with anything good enough.


If you have a working solution, we'd be happy to review it and apply it.


Why not use CSRF token?

  • 4 weeks later...

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