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Hi Revive Adserver!
Fab product !! - Had earlier version, now have 3.1.0 working well & delivering ads perfectly !!
Could someone now please advise regarding Revive fine tuning :
I have advertisers in 15 different industry groups ('type') - with each group coded '01' to '15'.
I don't want competitors adverts showing up on Client Websites - In essence what I'm try to achieve in Revive is "If the Client is 'type=02' then don't show Banners from other 'type=02' Clients".
To achieve this I have :
1) Created / Added a 'Delivery Option' for each 'Banner'.
2) The 'Delivery Limitation' used is 'Site - Variable' set to 'is different from' - 'Name' = 'type' & 'Value' = '01' to '15' (Where 'Value' = Clients industry 'type' code).
All good - But what next ?
In Revive I went to a 'Website' & Clicked 'Invocation Code' & among the options offered was 'Source' - 
Is 'Source' the place where you put the 'type=02' (Or whatever) identifier for that Website ?
Anyway, generated the following as sample :
'website code' - head
<!-- Generated by Revive Adserver v3.1.0 -->
<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[
    var OA_source = 'type=02';
// ]]> --></script><script type='text/javascript' src='http :// www.example.com/ras/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1'></script>
'Website code' - body
<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[
    /* [id1] local-default-728x90 */
// ]]> --></script>
(I always delete the 'noscript' part - causes problems)
Is this correct ?
I am assuming in the above example the script on the 'Website' calls all Banners in zone 'id=1', then Revive looks at the 'Delivery Options' for each Banner in that zone before delivery & sends that 'Banner' to the 'Website' if that 'Banners Delivery Option' settings are met ? 
Am I doing the right thing ? Please advise !!
Cheers Paul Zero.
Hi Erik,
Thanks for reply, have read suggested article but still unsure of exact syntax to use = no ads showing.
Original Header (Generated) :
<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[
    var OA_source = 'source';
// ]]> --></script><script type='text/javascript' src='http:  //  www.example.com/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1&amp;target=_blank'></script>
New Header (Altered by me) - Script ref. added to template 'index.php' in 'Head' section :
<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[
    var type = '02';
// ]]> --></script><script type='text/javascript' src='http:  //  www.example.com/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1&amp;target=_blank'></script>
Ad Script - Joomla 2.5.24 - Coded processed via 'Custom Flexi Code' Module @ required module position :
<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[
// ]]> --></script>
Obviously there is something wrong with my syntax. I have only changed the second line in 'Header '
from the generated  '  var OA_source = 'source';  '  to  '  var type = '02';  '
Could you please advise exact syntax to use & where. Also, is there anything else I need to do to get this to work ? Create 'Target Channel' ?
Regards Paul Zero

Targeting channels are related to delivery limitations but they have nothing to do with this question.


You need to add the site variable to the SPC code line:


<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[

var type = '02';

// ]]> --></script><script type='text/javascript' src='http:  //  www.example.com/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1&amp;target=_blank'></script>




<script type='text/javascript' src='http:  //  www.example.com/www/delivery/spcjs.php?id=1&type=15&amp;target=_blank'>


That's all.

  • 5 months later...

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