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Version-String In Constants.php


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i build a "SoftwareChecker" which can found over 111 Software-Products like Joomla, Typo3, Wordpress... if there up to date or to old.

The Problem now is, that Revive use the Version in the contstans.php with:

define('VERSION', '3.0.2);

So i get the Problem, that other Software use the constants.php with the same String (define... VERSION....) too.


So i would ask you, can you change the String to "REVIVE_VERSION" or a other Word? Its that possible or have you a other File with the Version-String?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Matteo,


i have build a Programm which can search for installed Software like Typo3, Joomla, Wordpress.... and more Software on a Webspace.

Now, few Software wrotes here Versionnumber in "constants.php", but in a directory like /system/config/constants.php, so i can different the Software.

But on Revive-Adserver the constants.php is saved directly in root. So i can only different the Software on the Search-String like:

define('Typo3-Software-Version', 'xxxx.xxx.xxx');
define('BUILD', 'x.x.x.x.x');

But revive-Adserver use only define('VERSION', 'x.x.x.x'); so i can not different it with the Regex.



When you can rename the Constant-/Variable-Name to like:

define('REVIVEVERSION', 'x.x.x.x');
define('REVIVE-VERSION', 'x.x.x.x');

i can build the Checker (Modul) for Revive too and the User can see where is installed Revive-Adserver and and is there up to date or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Mattoe,


i have try it, but the on this Way, the Problem is, that the constants.php is on /, so it matchts with contao3 too:

FOUND:          /home/testsoftware/revive-adserver-3.0.2/constants.php

MODUL:          revive-adserver

YOURS/OLD:      3.0.1.Revive Adserver

LATEST:         3.0.2.Revive Adserver

FOUND:          /home/testsoftware/contao/core-3.2.3/system/config/constants.php

MODUL:          revive-adserver

YOURS/OLD:      3.2.0 Installed Version is newer

LATEST:         3.0.2.Revive Adserver

I looking for Revive-Adserver now in two lines (first Line the Version-String, second Line for PRODUCT_NAME), but so i find the system/config/constants.php to and so the second-Line on Contao3 matchs not with "PRODUCT_NAME... Revive Adserver...".


Is it possible to move the constants.php in a other Folder like /lib/? So i can different them.

Thank you.

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