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Copy Campaigns From Stage Server To Production Server

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I installed revive Adserver in our stage and production environment. I created campaigns in our stage environment and it's working great. Now I need to move all the campaigns from stage to production. Does anybody have any idea how to accomplish this. I don't want to create campaigns again in the production.

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I do not believe there is an easy way to copy specific data over from one server to another. You would most likely have to extract that specific campaign for MySQL database and then import it back into your other server. I wouldn't advise it thought. It's best to setup the campaigns again or transfer the entire database over.

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I am using MySQLDump to copy the whole database to a file on stage server. and on production server, I am updating the database from the dump file. But my problem is that the statistics also gets updated. I don't want to change the statistics. Does anyone have any idea which are the tables related to statistics that I can ignore when I am copying the stage database to the dump file.


So far I ignored these table while copying database to a file but I see the statistics are still effected :(








Please help.

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