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For my client, I tried to upgrade from an old version of openx to the last "Revive" 3.0.2 version.


As of the first step (1. Welcome) of the install.php page, I got the following error: "You need to enable cookies before you can use Revive Adserver".


My cookies are well enabled, I tried with several browsers.


I searched on the net where I found similar problems, and where they ask to use "date.timezone" instead of "date_default_timezone_get()" in the variable.php file.


The call to "date_default_timezone_get()" in the variable.php doesn't correspond to the line nbr described in the forums, but I changed where I found it (line 67).


But, no luck.


I'm completelly stucked, with the client on my back....


Can someone help me please ?


Thanks a lot




And just for info...


As I couldn't use the upgrade mechanism, I tried to rename the "UPGRADE" file under "/var" folder to "INSTALLED".


I put the .conf file of my previous Openx version to link to our database.


I can reach the webapp, but then, all my plugins are disabled and I got errors when I want to install/upgrade them.


This is how I want to launch a "real" upgrade, cause I suppose the plugins will be installed during this process.


So if you know a way to bypass the upgrade process and makes my server working, I'm interested !





Thanks a lot




Thanks for your quick answer.


I had already visited this page.


My PHP version is 5.3 actually.


My folder permissions:

- 777 on "var"

- 755 on "www"


Is it OK ?




Yes , your php version is ok



Make sure ,


/plugins , /var , /www/images , /www/admin/plugins/ sholud be writable


Yes, hey are all writable.


I just that my /www directory perms are 755 (but then /www/admin/plugins/, 777)


Could this be a problem ?


As a workaround, for the moment, I copied the content of /plugins folder of my old openx install to the new revive /plugins folder.


I re-enabled them through the admin interface.


It seems to work, but I'm afraid I could still have problems without this "no real upgrade" installation (reminder: I've renamed the "UPGRADE file to INSTALLED and put my old .conf file into /var).


For info, my problem is solved.


Actually, we don't use the  /www/images folder. We have instead a symlink to a shared drive (we have 2 servers with a load balancer).


The permissions on the "images" files of the shared drive were not OK.


Case closed !


Thanks for your help

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