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Hi everyone,
I installed from scratch Revive 3.0.5. Functionality is ok, though a couple of annoying issues with refresh and user switch. Has anyone ever experienced any of these two issues?

1) The switch between Default Manager and Administrator Account is barely working. 90% of times it does not switch the interface, then I hit a manual refresh and it work. Then I switch back and it does not work. Sometimes even manual refresh does not do it, so I log out and login. From time to time, the switch then work but the interface is somehow "schizophrenic" because during navigation the menues goes off from 6 to 4 elements and viceversa.
This seemed like a cache problem to me, so first of all I emptied the folders /var/cache and /var/templates_compiled. Cleaning these folders at first solved the issue, but a few seconds after it just came back as nothing ever changed.


2) Similar (my guess) is the page refresh after Modifications. Typical case is: i edit a Campaign from "Illimited" impression to let's say to a "1.000.000" value --> the value is saved in the DB but on the Campaign list page the displayed value is still 1.000.000. Again a manual refresh solves the problem.
That's just annoying.

Someone experienced anything similar?
I really don't know where to look. Defauls options are in place, default plugin are all active.

Thanks for any hint you guys may have!!!


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I had the same problem during tests of installing revive as a subdirectory on an existing test-site, turned out to be a cookie issue but didn't take the time to figure it out.


Went back to doing revive on a separate domain with its own dedicated IP address.

  • 6 months later...

I had two servers one dev and prod, the prod one had the issue of not switching accounts without a refresh. The difference between them was prod had the mod_expires apache module enabled and was causing the browser client to cache the pages instead of refreshing them on user switch.


To get around this i have created an .htaccess file in the revive directory with "ExpiresActive Off"


Add to your virtual host config

        <Directory var/www/adserver>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride Indexes
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
restart apache and test.

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