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What is exactly your question? Just fill it in the 'banner' of within your Revive setup.

And banner type : Google Adsense - or 'Do not alter HTML'.





Advertisers -> Campaigns -> Banners -> Please choose the type of the banner  as "Generic HTML Banner" then place your  Google AdSense code


Alter HTML to enable click tracking for 'Rich Media - Google AdSense'

  • 4 weeks later...

There is an issue - possibility of infringement the rules of Adsese using iFrame invocation code.
Google Adsese usually detects keywords on pages with Adsense code. If there is some keywords on page which is not appropriate with any Google advertisers (catastrophy, death, 18/21+ etc) Google will not deliver any ads. It's good actually. If my editor (I am running news website) will write news about plane crash, it's really not ok to show some air tickets ads on that page.

So, if iFrame invocation code will call Adsense banner on this sort of page – this is should be infringement of Adsense rules. Google can not autodetect content of page containing iframe.


Just use Javascript invocation as I do last few years.


There is an issue - possibility of infringement the rules of Adsese using iFrame invocation code.

Google Adsese usually detects keywords on pages with Adsense code. If there is some keywords on page which is not appropriate with any Google advertisers (catastrophy, death, 18/21+ etc) Google will not deliver any ads. It's good actually. If my editor (I am running news website) will write news about plane crash, it's really not ok to show some air tickets ads on that page.

So, if iFrame invocation code will call Adsense banner on this sort of page – this is should be infringement of Adsense rules. Google can not autodetect content of page containing iframe.


Just use Javascript invocation as I do last few years.

This is not correct. It used to be a problem for the AdSense crawler to interpret a page when the ad code was delivered via an iFrame invocation code, but this was fixed by Google many many years ago. It is not an infringement of the AdSense rules to use iFrames for the zones.

  • 1 month later...

So, lets try it here because my issue on Github was closed, but the issue still exists...


Adsense clicks are not tracked correctly in Revive Adserver 3.0.2. All logging is enabled in global configuration. Also every google ad is created with Rich Media Adsense altering.

Adsense code is not modified, I use the async-code provided by Google and as mentioned in the FAQ

I tried to use synchronous code from google adsense but clicks are only partial tracked (currently 2 out of 20 clicks are tracked). So this issue is still existing and the synchronous code doesn't help here. Everything seems to be configured correctly, global click tracking is enabled and Rich Media Adsense is activated on the adsense ads.


The Adsense altering feature was built way before "async-code" was available so I'm not surprised it isn't working. Try the non-asyinc version instead.


Google doesn't allow user friendly 3rd-party click tracking, so the feature is based on a browser hack and won't ever be accurate. My personal opinion is that it should actually be removed from Revive Adserver.


The Adsense altering feature was built way before "async-code" was available so I'm not surprised it isn't working. Try the non-asyinc version instead.


Google doesn't allow user friendly 3rd-party click tracking, so the feature is based on a browser hack and won't ever be accurate. My personal opinion is that it should actually be removed from Revive Adserver.


Es mentioned, I used synchronous code, too. But the issue still exists... Removing is an option but then analysis and A/B-tests would be not that comfortable as now...


Sorry, I must have missed that. The browser trick requires that you don't move your mouse pointer after clicking the adsense ad for the amount of time it takes for the detection to happen. Actually if you click on any link and quickly move your pointer over an adsense ad, you might get that counted as a click ;)


Pretty fragile if you ask me, but when I've impemented it it was the best option available and it was what I had been askled to do. As of now, I don't think there are better options and that's why I think that "nothing" is better that "something very much unreliable".

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I love the way people ask for help....

"Not working" ... "Help".... "How to ".....

Come on guys....

Anyway. Just a word to say I've installed a Revive AdServer and I struggled a bit to have Google Adsense work correctly. I use it on a forum site with PHPBB3 an Adsense and Ads extension from Stoker. Seems now it works fine. Impressions are similar on Revive and Adsense dashboard. However, on Revive, I don't have the click tracking working for Google Adsense. It's not a big deal for now, I will dig this issue later.

Here some tips I may have fixed for it to work:

  1. The forum is using a StartSSL certificate and accessed only through HTTPS.  The revive server was using a self signed certificate. Ads were not shown, or randomly, and content was totally useless (not targeted). At first, it cost me about two third of the Google Adsense revenue...  I then installed a StartSSL certificate as well on the AdServer and it started working much better. It is therefore important that, if you're using HTTPS on the target site, that the AdServer is secured as well at the same level, and you change http to https in the invoke code.  Remember that Google is more and more picky about SSL
  2. At start, I tried the ASync JS Tag on Revive. It was not working good. Again, bad targetting, no tracking. Was bad. I changed it to Balised Javascript. And now all works fine beside of the click tracking.

My next actions will be to:

  • Doublecheck what kind of invoke code I used from Google AdSense, because I don't remember .... o_0
  • Try to get the click tracking working for Google Adsense

Hope this helps some people who know what they are trying to achieve :)

For the others, like Pablo, Sojic.... RTFM (to be polite) or pay someone to do it for you... If you thought it would be easy as playing to Angry Bird, please, rethink !

  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe that's an issue with Github itself. Two notes:

- I think it's been decided that we'll remove click tracking for AdSense ad tags from Revive Adserver in the near future.

- I don't really understand why you would want to count those clicks on AdSense tags in your Revive Adserver in the first place. It's not like AdSense will somehow place any value on your own counts, Google's own statistics are the only thing they care about, and those are going to determine your AdSense revenue.

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