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Everything posted by schneimeister

  1. Hello Revive community, I have found a very weird behavior of Revive adserver 3.0.5. The Adserver works like a charme 99% of the time. But sometimes it happens that no ads are displayed anymore. I could track the issue down to a certain cookie OACBLOCK which is normally only set in combination with a certain campaign ID. But in this rare case the cookie is set without any ID. See the following screenshot of the current cookies in Firefox: If this cookie isset, not a single resource can be loaded from the Adserver. See the following screenshot taken from Firebug. It seems the appearance of this cookie triggers a server error. The error only disappears if the cookie is deleted or the browser is restarted (seems to be a cookie only valid for the current session). Should a file a bug report or does anybody have an explanation for this. The error is relatively rare. I would say once per 1000 page loads but all adds are blocked afterwards which makes the bug a pretty serious one. Thanks for your help Martin
  2. Hello Revive Forum, I have a map with Markers placed on it. If the user clicks on a marker, the server is requesting an ad from Revive Adserver via XML RPC. I am trying to send both bannerID and zone via the $what parameter: $what = 'zone:8|bannerid:40'; $adArray = $oaXmlRpc->view($what,0,'','',0,$OA_context,''); The $what parameter is not working. I am still getting any arbitrary banner for zone 8 but not the one I requested. If I change the order of the two parameters ... $what = 'bannerid:40|zone:8'; ... I am getting the banner with the ID 40 but impressions are not tracked for the zone. Click-URIs of banners have zoneid 0: http://myreviveadserver.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=40__zoneid=0__cb=7fdd79dd6c__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fangebote.suedtirols-sueden.info%2Fslt.php%3Ft%3D7fgmqg.2po759 What am I missing when specifying the $what parameter. It should really be possible to specify banner-id and zone-id to request a specific banner and still track clicks and impressions on the respective zone. Thanks for all your help Regards Martin
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