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Everything posted by le_fever

  1. There is a workaround which solved the same issue for me: See: https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/issues/725 Basically: Run this code after you change the view in SPA. reviveAsync.{your-data-revive-id}.apply(reviveAsync.{your-data-revive-id}.detect()); I made a Vue Component which calls this function in it's mount hook. <template> <div> <ins :data-revive-zoneid="zoneId" :data-revive-id="reviveId" data-revive-target="_blank"></ins> <component is="script" src="https://revive.sonares.org/www/delivery/asyncjs.php" async></component> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'ReviveAd', props: { zoneId: Number, reviveId: String }, mounted() { this.reviveRefresh() }, methods: { reviveRefresh() { console.log("revive refresh") if (window.reviveAsync) window.reviveAsync[this.reviveId].apply(reviveAsync[this.reviveId].detect()) } } } </script>
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